Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Is Bigger Government Better Government, based from the arguments of Research Paper
Is Bigger Government Better Government, based from the arguments of Jim demint and Jeff Madrick - Research Paper Example Perhaps the most important of these are: making laws that are fair and just for all citizens, organizing and policing society, providing infrastructure such as healthcare, education, transport and financial systems, and representing the country’s interests in the wider world. It must also, of course, provide for elections and engage in dialogue with the public over policies in order to ensure that it reflects in a broad sense the will of the majority of the people, and considers the interests of minorities and those who are not in agreement with the ruling faction. In each of these areas there are arguments for more or less government involvement, and consequently bigger or smaller investment in government offices and budgets to undertake these tasks. This paper will explore first the ideas of Jeff Madrick, who favors the big government approach and then the ideas of Jim DeMint, who is a supporter of the smaller government approach. Finally these opposing views will be compare d in order to establish which of the two is better. Jeff Madrick in his book The Case for Big Government argues that people in modern America cling to a myth about the early stages of American History. This myth suggests that in the days before modern cities arose and mass industrialization became the norm, people had less government, and were able to live as they want to. The age of the pioneers and settlers is one which people like to idealize, praising the virtues of self-reliance and freedom from an interfering state which only wants to create unnecessary rules. Madrick cites a letter which Jefferson wrote, saying that a good government must be a â€Å"wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.†(Madrick, 2009, p. 33) The letter was written when Jefferson was not in charge , and Madrick points out that in practice, when he had responsibility for managing the expansion of the territory to include Louisiana, Jefferson did not follow through on this ideal view of government. He realized that land ownership of the vast new territories was the crucial factor which would determine the prosperity of individuals and organizations alike and he did not trust market forces to ensure that the new land would be distributed fairly: â€Å"The broad distribution of land he thought ideal could be accomplished only through government control and regulation.†(Madrick, 2009, p. 33) Throughout America’s history, from this time onwards, critical investments such as railroads, canals, and schools were supervised and regulated by state and local government officials. The benefits of this involvement can still be seen today: standardized gauges for the wagons, a transport network which serves both local and national needs and a fundamental and ever-increasing c ommitment to high quality education for all children and young people. While commitment to the free market economy has been an important factor in America’s economic success in the twentieth century, it has also seen several disastrous depressions and crashes, with cycles of boom and bust that have a serious impact on large sections of the population. In Madrick’
Monday, October 28, 2019
Developing a Web Site Privacy Policy Essay Example for Free
Developing a Web Site Privacy Policy Essay Software requirements: Web browser software. Word processing software, Electronic presentation software (optional) Dirt Bikes’ management wants to make sure it has policies and procedures in place to protect the privacy of visitors to its Web site. You have been asked to develop Dirt Bikes’ Web site privacy policy. The TRUSTe Web site ( has Model Privacy Policy Disclosures in its Resources for businesses that you can download and review to help you draft Dirt Bikes’ privacy policy. You can also examine specific companies’ privacy policies by searching for Web site privacy policy on Google. ca or using another search engine. Prepare a report for management that addresses the following issues: 1. How much data should Dirt Bikes collect on visitors to its Web site? What information could it discover by tracking visitors’ activities at its Web site? What value would this information provide the company? What are the privacy problems raised by collecting such data? 2. Should Dirt Bikes use cookies? What are the advantages of using cookies for both Dirt Bikes and its Web site visitors? What privacy issues do cookies create for Dirt Bikes? 3. Should Dirt Bikes join an organization such as TRUSTe to certify it has adopted approved privacy practices? Why or why not? 4. Should Dirt Bikes design its site so that it conforms to P3P standards? Why or why not? 5. Should Dirt Bikes adopt an opt-in or opt-out model of informed consent? 6. Include in your report a short (two to three pages) privacy statement for the Dirt Bikes ebsite. You can use the eight categories of the TRUSTe Model Privacy Statement as a guideline if you wish. 7. (Optional) Use electronic presentation software to summarize your recommendations for management.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Importance of the Dance in A Dolls House Essay -- A Dolls House E
The Importance of the Dance in A Doll's House  Dancing is a beautiful form of expression that reveals a good deal about a person in a matter of minutes. Characters that dance in plays and novels usually flash some sort of underlying meaning pertaining to their story, shining light on themselves, other characters, and the movement of the action. In Ibsen's A Doll's House, Nora's performance of the tarantella summarizes the plot of the entire play.  Take, for example, Torvald's attitude towards Nora's offbeat movements. Torvald plays the piano for Nora initially, but becomes so frustrated with Nora's dancing that he abandons his tune and attempts to re-teach Nora the tarantella. This simple confrontation reflects the main action; Torvald is the one who provides Nora with music and who had previously taught Nora how to dance, just like he is the one who gives her a home and has sculpted her into his ideal wife. Nora cannot dance rhythmically to Torvald's song because both her lies and Torvald's strong belief in app...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Random DOC
Albert Campus defines an absurd hero, one who despite the circumstances transcends all odds. Sisyphus, condemned by the gods to push a rock to the top of a mountain, chooses to make the most of his burden by accepting his situation and saying yes to his challenge Personal response essay How do we grow as individuals? What molds our lives and selves? Rewards and improvements in our lives can be accredited to the hardships and adversities individuals face. Adversities like; being laid off, grueling 12 hour work days, raising teenagers, and couples Ryan Overcoming AdversityThroughout the world there are many different people who go through different trials and tribulations. Human history and existence today would not be what It is If we didn't have to struggle a bit to get what we want. I feel this also applies Issues of Adversity Issues of Adversity â€Å"That which cannot kill me can only make me stronger†. With Reference to the quote, the color purple (3 characters) and 3 othe r sources of supplementary text, write an essay. Adversity Is unfortunately, an aspect of life which can hardly be avoided. Some people experience†¦ Premium Words PagesHorse's Assertion of Adversity Argument Essay Horse's asserts through adversity, hidden talents are brought to the surface, which would otherwise lay dormant. This claim has proven to be a timely truism in literature and history. Heroes and heroines of the literary canon have long faced strife and turmoil. In meeting these†¦ Premium Words Pages Wallace able to achieve their goals and experience respectable success In life. While both Lulu and Alexei hail from completely different cultures, they both experienced adversity and struggled with overcoming societal and racial prejudices.Alexei is of Native American descent and spent his†¦ Premium Words Pages Advisor Essay Personal response essay How do we grow as Individuals? What molds our lives and selves? Rewards and Improvements In our lives can be accred ited to the hardships and adversities Individuals face. Adversities like; being laid off, grueling 12 hour work days, raising teenagers, and couples†¦ Premium Words Pages Sisyphus Synthesis push a rock to the top off mountain, chooses to make the most of his burden by accepting his situation and saying yes to his challenge†¦ Premium Words PagesAdversity Builds Character challenges. It was these challenges that have caused them to become very successful in what they do. In my essay, I have proven that adversity brings out the talents and creativity in people. A famous quote from Frederica Nietzsche says, â€Å"That which does not kill us makes us stronger. â€Å"†¦ Premium Words Pages Overcoming Adversity many different people who go through different trials and tribulations. Human history and existence today would not be what it is if we didn't have to struggle a bit to get what we want. I feel this also applies†¦ Premiums Words Pages EffectiveDander's Smith Ma rch 19, 2012 Essay: Overcoming an Obstacle One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles posses the only strength which can overcome adversity? To one this means that the only way to conquer a personal low is by overcoming obstacles in order to gain strength†¦ Premium Words Pages Freedom Writers territories' are created to bring a sense of equality among those of the same race. Overcoming adversity, family relationships, inequality in education, success and goal setting is what Mrs.. Gruel aims to have instilled in those around her. A theme which surfaces in the movie is that of Mrs.. Gruel'
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Powerful people can make others powerless
Have you ever felt useless, unwanted or completely powerless? In many schools this is a frequent occurrence. Many powerful or popular people have the ability to create the Illusion that you are worthless. How would you enjoy the experience of being one of the powerless students. Having to enter the school grounds every day in utter fear. Scurrying your way through the locker bays with the expressed desire of avoiding the possibility of being tormented by the powerful. They can can determine how we feel, owe we think and ultimately who we are.This must be altered. Primarily, day after retched day students either experience or are exposed to some form of bullying. An astonishing number of students are victims of bullying and this is the leading cause of depression in teenagers. According to documenting. Org over 3. 2 million students encounter bullying every year. If bullying was to prevail the victims might begin to perceive the world as a horrible and unforgiving place. Then the only reliable way to escape what seems like torture is to commit a sorrowful act.An act which would tear a family heart apart, seclude. There has been several bullying related suicides In the past year. Furthermore, bullying has spiraled in the 21st century and the many different forms of bullying have escalated. Now there is cyber bullying, the most common and the most cowardly. This is where one can simply hide behind the screen of an electronic device and pepper someone with insults. There is also verbal bullying, physical bullying, estranging and humiliation. Imagine the feeling of being completely humiliated In front of the entire school.Everyone pointing and gingering at you, sharing their crude comments about you to one another. In the olden days you had the privacy of your home and you were safe there. Now in this modern day and age there is no escape, even when you are situated at home, as the internet provides a gateway to your private life to the world. Now picture a world In complete harmony. Where If you were honored with the title of a powerful one, you would harness the ability In a way that would benefit everyone. This would create a much more inviting and nurturing learning environment for fellow peers.No student will have to learn in fear and they will view the world for what it should be. A place filled with enjoyment, love and respect for everyone which would allow students to strive to their full potential no matter who they are. A 12 year old girl once said â€Å"l known I'm only a child, yet I know we're all In the this together and should act as one single world towards one single goal†– Severe Caulis Suzuki Everyone student should enjoy learning. They should enter the school grounds full of excitement and should be eager to learn and also obtain a positive outlook on life.If we were to harness the power In a positive way and combine as one, we could potentially surpass any expectations of where this world could be. As I stat ed In my in that phrase was illusion. An illusion is something that deceives the mind by producing a false or misleading impression of reality. Some people gain power from subjugating others, they should use the power to inspire and influence others. For we were produced for a reason. We were made to change this world. We all contain the power. The power to change the world.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
3 Cases of Erroneous Punctuation with Quotations
3 Cases of Erroneous Punctuation with Quotations 3 Cases of Erroneous Punctuation with Quotations 3 Cases of Erroneous Punctuation with Quotations By Mark Nichol In each of the following sentences, punctuation associated with a quoted phrase or a partial or full quotation is not appropriate. Discussion after each example explains why the punctuation should either be changed or omitted altogether, and one or more revisions illustrate correct treatment of the quoted material. 1. The old saying, â€Å"What gets rewarded gets done,†is as true with risk management as with any other business process. The phrase â€Å"the old saying†should not be treated restrictively- â€Å"What gets rewarded gets done†is not the only old saying; it is being described as an old saying- so omit punctuation between the phrase and the saying itself: â€Å"The old saying ‘What gets rewarded gets done’ is as true with risk management as with any other business process.†2. The company responded in a statement Friday that the newspaper article showed, â€Å"a complete disregard for basic journalistic standards.†Because the partial quotation complements the attribution to complete a sentence that requires no internal punctuation, do not use such punctuation to separate the attribution and the quotation: â€Å"The company responded in a statement Friday that the newspaper article showed ‘a complete disregard for basic journalistic standards.’†3. â€Å"I would like to do a college fund for him, it’s not the kid’s fault,†he said. Regardless of whether such a sentence is a quotation or not, the use of a mere comma to separate two independence clauses without the support of a conjunction is incorrect: â€Å"’I would like to do a college fund for him; it’s not the kid’s fault,’ he said.†However, using a semicolon in a quotation has always seemed stiffly formal to me; simply as a personal preference, I would use a more dashing punctuation mark: â€Å"’I would like to do a college fund for him- it’s not the kid’s fault,’ he said.†Another alternative is to insert the attribution between the two clauses, treating them as separate sentences: â€Å"‘I would like to do a college fund for him,’ he said. ‘It’s not the kid’s fault.’†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Types of Narrative ConflictEmail Etiquette7 Other Types of Pronouns
Monday, October 21, 2019
my bridge is big essays
my bridge is big essays I built my bridge on the foundation of triangles because any engineer will tell you they are one of the strongest shapes. No matter where you put pressure that other two sides of the triangle pick up the excess pressure. I decided to build the triangles into boxes so the support would spread out over a much greater area. I also added extra glue to the joints to strengthen the corners that did not match up really flush. In doing so I created joints that were not entirely straight but hold up just as well. I also cut the toothpicks so I could use whole ones as hypotenuses. Many were thrown out because they were broken or had defects in them. Many difficulties I encountered were not having enough fingers to glue the four sides down. Also it was a huge mess when the glue bottle became clogged and would not pour out until you squeezed it very hard. Well it then came oozing out all over your bridge and wasted like half the tube all over the wax paper or your mothers nice table. It was also very hard to get the toothpicks to stay in the upright position and when you moved a slight bit either way the toothpick on the other side would fall over. Mechanical engineering involved in the bridge building process included finding out that 45-degree angles were the strongest and that mass and stress put on these angles broke after the toothpicks were bent. Some careers include architecture, masonry, carpentry, astronomy and being a high school physics teacher. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How To Learn Chemistry Fast
How To Learn Chemistry Fast The first step in learning chemistry fast is to determine exactly how long you have to learn chemistry. Youll need a lot more discipline to learn chemistry in a day compared with a week or a month. Also, keep in mind you wont have great retention if you cram chemistry in a day or a week. Ideally, you want a month or longer to master any course. If you do end up cramming chemistry, expect to review the material if you need to apply it to a higher level chemistry course or remember it for a test further down the road. A Word About Chemistry Lab If you can do lab work, thats fantastic, because the hands-on learning will reinforce the concepts. However, labs take time, so most likely youll miss this segment. Keep in mind labs are required for some situations. For example, you have to document lab work for AP chemistry and many online courses. If you are doing labs, check how long they take to perform before getting starting. Some labs take less than an hour start-to-finish, while others might take hours, days or weeks. Pick short exercises, whenever possible. Supplement book learning with videos, which are readily available online. Gather Your Materials You can use any chemistry textbook, but some are better than others for fast learning. You could use an AP Chemistry book or Kaplan Study Guide or a similar book. These are high quality, time-tested reviews that cover everything. Avoid dumbed-down books because youll get the illusion that you learned chemistry, but wont master the topic. Make a Plan Dont be haphazard and dive in, expecting success in the end! Make a plan, record your progress and stick to it. Heres how: Divide your time. If you have a book, figure out how many chapters youre going to cover and how much time you have. For example, you may study and learn three chapters a day. It may be a chapter an hour. Whatever it is, write it out so you can track your progress.Get started! Check off what you accomplish. Maybe reward yourself after pre-determined points. You know better than anyone else what it will take to get you to get the job done. It may be self-bribes. It may be fear of an impending deadline. Find what works for you and apply it.If you fall behind, try to catch up right away. You might not be able to double your work, but its easier to catch up as fast as possible rather than have the studying snowball out of control.Support your study with healthy habits. Make sure you get some sleep, even if its in the form of naps. You need sleep to process new information. Try to eat nutritious food. Get some exercise. Take walks or work out during breaks. Its important to switch gears ev ery so often and get your mind off chemistry. It may feel like wasted time, but its not. Youll learn more quickly if you take brief breaks than if you study, study, study. However, dont let yourself get sidetracked where you dont get back to chemistry. Set and keep limits regarding time away from your learning. Helpful Tips Try to review prior material. Even if its just a quick review, planning a set amount of time to go over old material will help you retain it.Work through problems. At the very least, make sure you can work example problems if you have time (days or weeks instead of hours), work problems. Working problems is the best way to learn how to apply the concepts truly.Take notes. Writing down important points helps you learn the information.Recruit a study buddy. A partner can help keep you motivated, plus you can offer each other support and put your heads together when you encounter hard problems or challenging concepts.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Financial Crisis of 2008 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Financial Crisis of 2008 - Research Paper Example Effects of economic recession or financial crisis are usually witnessed in employment, industrial production and in real estate income (Magdoff and Bellamy 41). The technical economic indicator associated with recession is economic growth which is negative which in quarters is two consecutive when measured by a nation’s GDP (Gross Domestic product). The 2008 financial crisis affected all financial institutions in the world. The financial crisis endangered the total collapse of financial bodies, the reduction in stock markets all over the world, world government tried to apply bailouts to financial institutions but still it had little effect. In certain areas such as housing was badly affected in that it led to foreclosures, evictions and unemployment among many people. In addition, the financial crisis was responsible for the collapse or failure of major business, decrease in consumer wealth and recession in economic activities all over the world resulting to the 2008 financia l crisis and leading to European debt problems or crisis. The financial crisis in the US was sparked by the housing bubble that influenced the values of securities in US associated with housing prices to destruction of financial bodies in the world. Further, the 2008 financial crisis was activated by intricate interplay of government laws that motivated home ownership offering them cheap interests on house loans. In October 2008, questions emerged regarding the issue of bank solvency, downturn in availability of credit to citizens and the destroyed investors confidence which had a negative influence on the world stock markets especially in the US and Europe where securities experienced massive losses in 2008. During this time, global trade decreased as availability of credit tightened. The US government reacted to this phenomenon with fiscal stimulus packages for financial institutions, monetary laws expansion, and bailouts (Magdoff and Bellamy 72). The US financial crisis left many shocked because it severely affected their lives. The crisis ended in late 2008 and the beginning of 2009 in the US when the congress enacted the recovery and reinvestment Act of 2009. After viewing the two movies, â€Å"Too Big to Fail’ and the â€Å"Margin Call†it is clear that the US financial crisis began in the housing industry specifically in the mortgage market known as subprime, which spread to prime mortgage, and other types of debts that mortgage firms in the US faced. The movie â€Å"Too Big to Fail†clearly shows the real events that took place in that the US banks and other financial institutions counted losses as high as third of the total financial or bank capital. The films shows that the crisis caused to sharp decrease in bank lending that resulted in severe downturn in the economy of the United States of America. Between August 2008 and October 2008, the subprime borrowers in the US have affected the availability of credit and decreased the repayment of loans. Subprime loans are risky because they are likely to suffer from default than loans offered to prime borrowers. Therefore, if a borrower makes timely repayment of his or her loan, the lender may claim the control of the property. In August 2008, the value of subprime mortgage borrowers stood at over $ 1 trillion with the total of over $ 7 million outstanding mortgage balance. This eventually led to the increase in lending of loans to subprime borrowers with the perception that the prices of houses will continue to increase with time. Further, this act was aided by the increase of non-bank autonomous mortgages, which regardless of their smaller share in the market contributed a lot to the housing indus
IKEA Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
IKEA - Case Study Example It calls the Netherlands its home and has its head quarters in the place called Lei den that is in the South of Holland. The person that is responsible for giving the world this fine brand and company for manufacturing designer label yet economically affordable furniture is none other than the companies founder Ingvar Kamprad. This man founded this company in the year 1943. He has since then had the help and support from a number of people who have helped bring the company to its internationally renowned status. The name given to this company has been thought of very carefully and hidden in the name are the roots on which this company has flourished and grown to what it is today. The word IKEA is actually comprised of acronyms that are that each alphabet is the initials of the name of the founder and his home town village. That would be Ingvar Kamprad, and home village, Elmtaryd, Agunnaryd. The president of this company is currently Anders Dahlvig along with another name that is Hans Gydell, president of the inter IKEA group. Being a company that deals in the production and sale of low cost home products Ikea is a privately owned company, it is an internationally known and an international company. ... Founded in the year 1943 this company has grown to a world widely famous consumer and household goods producing company and has done so with the hard work and efforts of a number of key people. This company was founded in Sweden to be more exact it was founded in Almhult, Smaland. It calls the Netherlands its home and has its head quarters in the place called Lei den that is in the South of Holland. The person that is responsible for giving the world this fine brand and company for manufacturing designer label yet economically affordable furniture is none other than the companies founder Ingvar Kamprad. This man founded this company in the year 1943. He has since then had the help and support from a number of people who have helped bring the company to its internationally renowned status. The name given to this company has been thought of very carefully and hidden in the name are the roots on which this company has flourished and grown to what it is today. The word IKEA is actually comprised of acronyms that are that each alphabet is the initials of the name of the founder and his home town village. That would be Ingvar Kamprad, and home village, Elmtaryd, Agunnaryd. The president of this company is currently Anders Dahlvig along with another name that is Hans Gydell, president of the inter IKEA group. IKEA 4 IKEA The owner and the franchiser of the IKEA trademark and the concept behind IKEA itself if the company Inter IKEA systems that has the words B.V after it as well. This company that is Inter IKEA systems has its offices and head offices situated primarily in the Netherlands, in Sweden and also in the country Belgium. Several other companies which have complex kinds of ownerships have the
Friday, October 18, 2019
American History and Christianity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
American History and Christianity - Essay Example Their justification of this in the name of God was because "Of all these nations God our Lord gave charge to one man St Peter, that he should be Lord and Superior of all men in the world and that he should be the head of all human race" (Rushforth & Mapp, p31). In their view if this was indeed the case then what the Pope said was absolute. The document goes on to state that any delay in refusing to convert to the Holy Catholic Faith will bare the consequences of war, a war that God would assist with. The Huron Indians were allies of the French. The French Canadians had been keen to develop trade relations with the Native Americans and when they were asked for help in a raid against the Iroquois tribe saw an opportunity to build relations (Calloway, p119). Father Jean Brebeuf was a French Jesuit missionary; the Jesuit order like the Spanish wished to convert the Native Americans to Christianity but did so in a very different manner to the Spanish. Whilst the Spanish colonized the Native American lands with aggressive tones in the name of God the French Jesuits introduced Christianity whilst being respectful of Native American own identities. Brebeuf lived with the Indians and like other Jesuits learned their language and studied their way of life and whilst may not have agreed with appreciated their customs. The Huron's tolerated the Jesuits as they wished to remain allies with the French and maintain trade relations but resented their criticism of their ideals, customs and lifes tyles (Calloway, p121). In comparison to the Spanish who threatened violence through non-conformity the Jesuits believed that the natives would and could conform if they were shown compassion. When disease struck in 1640 many Huron Indians blamed the Shamans for not protecting the people and turned to Christianity due to the Jesuits being unaffected by the small pox epidemic. The Jesuits had succeeded in their mission but had assisted in destroying a way of life that had sustained a culture for centuries. John Winthrop's Christian Charity speaks of unity and conformity and is quite authoritarian in its narrative. Whilst traveling to New England onboard the Arbella he Lisa Haddon 12th November 2008 wrote and preached the now famous sermon A Model of Christian Charity. The puritans on board were fleeing England in pursuit of individualism and spiritual freedom from the Church of England which they felt was a derivative of the Roman Catholic Church, Winthrop feared that the pursuit of this individualism would drive them apart once landing in New England or even worse in to the hostile hands of the natives and sought to hold the people together on board through the word of god. He begins his sermon by listing three reasons god made people different the first reason showing a preference for difference over uniformity. His second reason is "He might have the more occasions to manifest the work of His Spirit: first upon the wicked in moderating and restraining them, so that the rich and mighty should not eat up the poor, nor the poor and despised rise up against their superiors and shake off their yoke." (Rushforth & Mapp, p126).
Reflection of learning experiences in elmentary ,middle ,high school, Essay
Reflection of learning experiences in elmentary ,middle ,high school, and college attended - Essay Example At first, it was unbearable for me but with time, I adjusted to the strange and dynamic environment. The most memorable moments in elementary school involve the use of cubes. The teacher distributed cubes to all the students to perform simple routines. To me this was an amazing phenomenon although by then it was it was very complex. This was meant to develop the cognitive aspect. However, accomplishing the task was more important at that very moment rather than understanding psychological development and the learning concepts. In addition to that, we had the opportunity to go to the playground. We played different games and sung happily, as we waited for the delicious food that I have not forgotten the smell even today. I am very sure that it was during these times that the aspect of individuality was implanted into me because I would interact freely with others and learned to say no or yes. My social aspect of life was also developed at this point in time. The world of science became so real to me. I enjoyed and envied the much that my science teacher new. They would just teach chemistry and physics without necessarily referring to their books. I thought I was not smart and that my teachers were geniuses, but I letter on came to learn that experience was their main weapon. The next level was so adventurous that I realized I was lying to myself when I thought I would make the best doctor in the world. It was at this point that learning took another dimension and I realized my potentials not as a doctor but as a Lawyer. I was greatly inspired by the way, the teachers were narrating events that happened many years ago with exact dates, gave me the desire to make the best barrister in the world. During the debates, I would make sure I argue my point as a lawyer. The outside learning events were so fascinating that I wished at one point that such period should be
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Promised land Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Promised land - Movie Review Example The atmosphere of realism is created by the environmental issues addressed in the film. The town people are introduced to the idea of mining of natural gas, without being given the precise details by a salesperson. The role of the soft spoken but self-driven sales-person Steve Butler is played by Matt Damon. Steve is employed by the oil company in a bid to convince the country folk to sell the drilling rights they hold in their own lands (Vant). The town is rich in oil but highly polluted making it a hazardous place to live in. A retired town scientist tries to educate the town folk on the dangers arising from natural gas mining. In his argument the scientist compels individuals to research on the oil mining method called fracking. Fracking poses a serious problem for everyone in the town, since chemicals and harmful gases get releases during the mining process. In the movie signs of dead cows are shown in protest of natural gas mining (Lemire). The cows are a representation of loss of life due to poisoning from chemicals released by the mining plant. The film is highly centered on an activist theme, since the issue of fracking is felt in America especially in Pennsylvania (Lemire). All in all , the film tries to educate Americans on the dangers of natural gas mining on both plant and animal life. The film is a clear statement against environmental pollution and corporate greed
International Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
International Human Resource Management - Essay Example The liberalized economy was responsible for creating a competitive environment which required prompt response in order to control and stabilize the sudden turbulence in the economy. It was crucial from both the perspective of organisations as well as the economy on the whole. Human resource management practices play a significant role in enhancing corporate performance (Som, 2008, p.1278). This report seeks to understand the factors which have evolved the role of the human resource departments in organisations in India, with emphasis on the labour laws in organisations. A discussion has also been provided pertaining to the system of education and training, trade unions, the system of collective bargaining and employer organisations. The project also speaks of the present trends and patterns of the human resource management practices in India. It provides a number of data and case studies of different organisations in the nation which highlights the different approaches in HRM. In thi s regard, the project also discusses the various problems and issues that organisations in the nation have been confronting with. Current patterns and trends in the approach to HRM in IndiaThe context of organisational success in India remains deeply rooted in the nation’s history and culture. The value system in society enriched with respect towards elders, the joint-family system, the trend of future savings as well as the British rule in India have impacted the development of the workplaces in India. The large agrarian society embeds the culture of hard work, labour dignity and the concept of sharing of responsibility which accounts for the key components of success of the firms in India. The nation’s democratic governance has enabled the policy makers and financial institutions for setting the foundation for the country’s success (Websu-kat, 2008, p.1). One of the most important points worth mentioning is that there have been huge investments made by the Gov ernment of the nation in the field of education and population control. Great investments coupled with assistance from the developed nations of the world have been the major factors in creating the nation’s value propositions in the international market. Together with its own set of strengths and weaknesses the nation is identified as one of the leading emerging economies in the world. It also has entered into trade relations with a number of nations in the world (Websu-kat, 2008, p.1). Few of the major determinants which make the Indian HRM different from the rest of the world are s follows: The culture in India is rooted deeply in its collective values which provides a tendency of maintaining collaboration in the place of
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Promised land Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Promised land - Movie Review Example The atmosphere of realism is created by the environmental issues addressed in the film. The town people are introduced to the idea of mining of natural gas, without being given the precise details by a salesperson. The role of the soft spoken but self-driven sales-person Steve Butler is played by Matt Damon. Steve is employed by the oil company in a bid to convince the country folk to sell the drilling rights they hold in their own lands (Vant). The town is rich in oil but highly polluted making it a hazardous place to live in. A retired town scientist tries to educate the town folk on the dangers arising from natural gas mining. In his argument the scientist compels individuals to research on the oil mining method called fracking. Fracking poses a serious problem for everyone in the town, since chemicals and harmful gases get releases during the mining process. In the movie signs of dead cows are shown in protest of natural gas mining (Lemire). The cows are a representation of loss of life due to poisoning from chemicals released by the mining plant. The film is highly centered on an activist theme, since the issue of fracking is felt in America especially in Pennsylvania (Lemire). All in all , the film tries to educate Americans on the dangers of natural gas mining on both plant and animal life. The film is a clear statement against environmental pollution and corporate greed
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Importance of Ethics in Criminal Justice Essay
The Importance of Ethics in Criminal Justice - Essay Example From the report it is clear that the process involves a suspected criminal, the police to whom the criminal activity is first reported, witnesses to the criminal incident and the judiciary. The four category of people is supposed to conduct themselves in a manner that will ensure that justice. The process is essential as it leads to judgement that is supposed to punish the culprit. When the justice is not reached and an innocent person is jailed, or a suspect freed, then the judicial process will not have accomplished its purpose. As the discussion stresses ethics is an important aspect that the police should have in their daily life when handling a suspect. They should handle and interrogate a suspect in a manner that the suspect will not feel mishandled. In some situations where suspects may be innocent; it would be wise not to cause pain to them in the search of evidence. Applying ethics in this situation gives the suspected criminals to give evidence that may lead to the arrest of the actual criminals. The police could lose this information if they were to be brutal towards the citizens. The citizens would choose to keep quite instead of giving an information to an unfriendly corps. The lack of the cooperation between the police and the citizens will mean that the criminal cases will rise, and justice will not be achieved. Police are worldwide known to miss handle suspect that mostly lead to serious injuries and sometimes the loose of life.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The presence of our English Teacher Essay Example for Free
The presence of our English Teacher Essay A pleasant evening to each and everyone of you. First of all, I would like to acknowledge the presence of our English Teacher, Tchr. JM Sayson.. for giving us â€Å"The Sunscreen†. Ladies and gentlemen of the class of 2012, this is our story – our history. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, the value of Christianity would be it. One value that the academy had taught us and molded us into. This school had taught us to live according to His ways. To grow in love with Him every day. And to value love – Love of God, precisely! Seniors, we have finally come to the end of our journey as High School students. The gates of uncertainties from being a child to a fully grown young individual will now be closing in month’s time. Seeing everyone in their glamorous gowns and fabulous suits, we are now young ladies and young noblemen who were about to enter a completely different and peculiar world. Goodbye Academy, Hello University! We, who only knew once how to play hide-and-seek, run here and there, shout and just laugh our hearts out and do whatever we wanna do, not caring about the people around us. We, who thought life is as easy as ABC’s and 123’s, then came to a realization that life really is as complicated as sin2à ´ + cos2à ´=1, then – prove! Who would ever thought that these children, who plays 10-20 or Chinese garter at the corridors of MCA are just about to leave the portals of their dearest Alma Mater? My fellows, what more could we miss than our weekly routine – CHAPEL HOUR. The long term benefits of our Monday habit have been proven by any other batches whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than our own meandering experience. How blessed we are to have been given this kind of opportunity – to be closer to God and to have the chance to listen to His words. Remember how Tchr. Lina’s video presentation about the early Christians made our eyes turn to waterfalls? Remember how Bishop Art unceasingly discussed about the significance and importance of the Bible? This is one strong basis that our school had built a Godly foundation so strong on our hearts. And now, how can we start the week without singing Tchr. Cecille’s favorite prayer song â€Å"All the Heavens†? How can we end our day without rendering the routinary song â€Å"Thank You Lord†unto God? But we should not worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. Oh yes, one thing : Tchr. Gerald’s magical stars! Can you imagine how motivated we were back on our 1st year days because of his â€Å"stars†? Mathematics became our day-to-day challenge from Tchr. Gerald’s stars to Tchr. Cecille’s complex techniques to Tchr. Edwin and Tchr. Dante’s logical theories to Tchr. Ryan’s alienable formula. Oh my Math – really! Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts – Who would ever forget how reckless we were with the frogs’ fragile little hearts? Tchr. Maan and Tchr. Jhed’s biology class gave us a chance to discover our inner beings through these little ones. Plus, Tchr. Mae’s outrageous reaction when she saw the frogs inside the bottles and the â€Å"Sorry Tchr. Mae†program that we had prepared just to have her back. Do one thing everyday that scares you, Sing†¦ Who were those girls again? Krystle Mae Data and Pauline Dones who gave their best shot to represent our school on the Clash of the Glee Clubs thus, making our students as the official choir of the SM Bacoor and Dasma Supermalls. Remember the Speech Choir who competed on Lyceum Cavite Campus whose voices rocked out the whole stadium and brought home the Golden Trophy? What a great prestige indeed! Time will come that each one of us will recall in a way we can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before us. Who would ever forget the month-long practices and the never-ending perseverance of each section on our Florante and Laura play, as well as the Noli Me Tangere act? How everybody waited for the day of our play to see these faces reminisce the past, wear their cla ssic Maria Clara dresses and â€Å"barong tagalog†, speak like that of the time of Dr. Jose Rizal and to be nationalistic on some point in time. How fabulous they really looked indeed Enjoy your body, use it every way you can. Don’t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it. It’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own. Remember Lara Ruzol’s â€Å"No Pardon for Me†declamation speech during the United Nations last October 2008? How about the African dance participated by all other sections? Is Star-Spangled Beauty, Bansai San, Hunyango, Dona Espadana and Inang Bayan familiar to you? How about these songs : Carry the Light, For all the world and Great is Thy Faithfulness? The penlights? Yes fellows, the 4,000 Voice Choir! â€Å"Aqua, aqua! Go go go go Aqua! Go fight, team fight Angels fight! Beat them, beat them Angels fight!†can be heard on the grounds of the Marikina Sports Complex last February 4, 2011 -The National Foundation Day and Inter-Maranatha Sports Fest with the slogan â€Å"Healthy Kids, Healthy Nation†. I will never forget our Arnis Mass Demo with the tune of â€Å"Kung-fu Fighting†participated by all other chapters of NCLC and MCA Afterwards, the gleaming lights of Star City set our excitements on fire! One thing that the MCA Angels thought us is to : Dance.. even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room Arianne Salamilao, Eden Tariga, Jander Del Rosario, Adrian Ramos, Mark Frias, Florenth Consay, Sam Sollano, Joana Riel, our cheer dancers, we are very proud of you. Dancing the whole Dela Salle Dasma’s stadium out and giving our roaring cheers will never be wasted. And so, our dancing shoes were set on foot during our P.E. class firstly on our 3rd year days. Ballroom dancing anyone? Get plenty of calcium, be kind to your knees. You’ll miss them when they’re gone. Remember how Tchr. Analyn unceasingly motivated us to give our very best? How Tchr. Lina gave her full support to her students? How Tchr. Joy pushed her class beyond their limitations? How they inspired each one of us? How they made us feel with their motherly love? How each of us was pampered just before we get into our final stage of this Academe? Our JS promenade, we as Juniors, became a flash of excitement, memories and competition. Little girls turned into beautiful ladies. Young boys turned into noble gentlemen. We were princes and princesses for a moment in time. Each one flashed their most beautiful smiles on the cameras and gave full grace to their numbers. It was a night of fantasy turned to reality! Krystle Mae Data was our Prom Princess and David Solis was our Prom Prince. The best long gown belongs to Miss Data as well and the best suit went to Mr. Solis as well. The best dress goes to Miss Jillah Escritor. III-Justice won the Juniors Ballroom Competition. Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind. But we all know that each went home with a smile on their hearts and a callus on their feet 😉 Whatever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either. Your choices are half-chances, so are everybody else’s. Some chose to be a part of the CAT, some chose to be noblemen of the Scouting movement. Some reserved themselves to be Privates and live according to the principles of the CAT. Each one has undergone the trainings and appraisals before reaching what they are now. The COCC’s proved themselves that they were deserving to be what they have become now. The Scouts’ motto â€Å"Be prepared.†was always manifested in their actions through their countless duties. Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults. By the grace of God, Batch 2012 will never be left behind when it comes to Academics and Leadership. Jorge Ochoa and Ronn Bautista made it to the Regionals of News and Feature Writing Competition. Ciara Kaye Aquino, Jorge Ochoa, Lara Ruzol and Gemmalyn Galang passed the UPCAT examination. Alnira Causing and Aira Dy-rastas passed DLSU-Manila as well. Our Student Government was headed by Ciara Kaye Aquino as the President, Kaye Reyes as Treasurer, Jillah Escritor as Secretary and Prince Ramos as Auditor. Student leaders went to the Congress. Beacon, Ciara Aquino as the Editor-in Chief, had made their history. The official newspaper of the campus’s first issue gave a blast to the campus readers. Peer Facilitators, headed by Arianne Salamilao, participated much on Kalinga partylist’s Medical Missions and Feeding Programs. The Glee Club, topped by Krystle Data, were engaged to many outside performances including a trip to Congress. The CAT, supervised by Lara Ruzol, and the Scouts, handled by Florenth Consay and Justine Alicio, practiced discipline among the students and became accountable in duties and other school responsibilities. The Timothy Circle, led by Abby Cardenas, held Prayer meetings to strengthen the faith of the youth. Organizations worked together for the glory of God! Our batch has worked the gaps between geography and lifestyle. Not actually geography. But the difference between us. We have shown unity during our MCA Concert where we rendered our God-given talents and skills unto Him with our beloved advisers. Most of the 4th year students joined the Mass demo for our 22nd International Convention dancing â€Å"Agnus Dei and Lord of the Dance†. Our Christmas Party became a success with our very own band â€Å"Elgied and friends†Elgied Apdua, Jake Saulog, Nikko Doctolero, Rainiel Dela Cruz and Ruth Dimarucut -performing for the rest of the program. The fun and the excitement among each section were boomed by our mythical â€Å"Banana Dance†. Thus, making our batch united than ever. Schoolmates, this is our last chance to prove ourselves. Tchr. Ryan Garcia, Tchr. Analyn Garcia and Tchr. Joy Tumamak gave their very best to set us ready for the next step of our lives. Understand that friends come and go but for the precious few, we should hold on. Some may have gone to nowhere but we must hold on to each other. Graduation day is yet to come. The day when each one of us might realize how our days have been filled with happiness and smiles. With joy and laughter. How our months were filled with excitement and challenges. With hopes and dreams. Though sorrows and downfalls may come, our mentors have taught us to stand and rise up once again. That God will always be there for us. That He is always with us all the way. This is one thing that we will bring with us once we leave the bosom of our school that we can always be proud of! We grew not to give glory to ourselves but to give glory unto God Almighty. We study not because of anyone else but because of what we want to be not for ourselves, but for our loved ones who never left us all along. Though certain things may come, we should never worry. The real troubles in our lives are apt to be things that never crossed our worried minds. At this point where goodbyes can never be held back, Maranatha Christian Academy became our backbone ever since. Proverbs 22:6 became the motto which guided us to be where we are now. Things do happen for a purpose. All things work together for good and as we leave, always remember â€Å" If God is for us, who can be against us?†We must accept certain inalienable truths, we are about to leave the Academy but our hearts will forever be in it, on it, WITH IT! Brothers and sisters, together we’ll make it through. Someday, our spirit will take us and guide us back to where we belong – MCA. I know, you’ve been hurting but our Alma Mater will always be there for us. Waiting for us to come back to her arms. And we’ll be there right? Just tell me now, whenever we can. Ladies and gentlemen, we have made history. This is our story – OUR HISTORY. â€Å"With tears in my eyes to you I say farewell, I’ll never forget those happy days forever..†Batch 2011-2012 now signing off.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Effects of Toilet Training to Personality Development Essay example --
Effects of Toilet Training to Personality Development Introduction â€Å"The child was the father to the man†- Sigmund Freud The basic premise of Dr. Sigmund Freud’s theory on personality development lies on the above statement. The determinants of one’s behavior and characteristics during adulthood may be derived from one’s childhood –how one was brought up taking into consideration the influence and interaction of values, culture, language, rules, roles, models and morals to the development of one’s personality. As such, much of the burden of honing a child’s character lies on the parents and the latter’s own upbringing may greatly influence how a child will behave upon reaching adulthood. With this premise in mind, Freud advanced a theory that centered on the effects of sexual satisfaction to the human psyche. To Freud, man is a pleasure-seeking animal who constantly strives to avoid painful experience in order to maintain a pleasant life. He postulated that the foundation of personality is formed between the ages 1-5 wherein an individual goes through a series of developmental stages which were also called psychosexual stages. Man’s search for pleasure commences during these stages, wherein the most basic desire or sexual urge is manifested in a child’s growth and developmental needs. In explaining the four psychosexual stages that he has identified, he introduced the idea of erogenous zones. Erogenous zones Also called erotogenic zones, erogenous zones are areas in a man’s body where the inner and outer skins meet and when manipulated, are capable of arousing pleasant and sensu... ...duce specific character traits associated with the acts of retention and expulsion. Cited Works Bischof, Leonard J. Interpreting Personality Theories. New York, N.Y.: Harper and Row, 2nd Ed.,1964. Fox, Ronald E., Gregory, Ian and Rosen, Ephraim. Abnormal Psychology. London: W.B. Saunders Company, 2nd Ed., 1972. â€Å"Psychodynamic Theories.â€Å" 19 June 2005. Bibliography â€Å"Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development.† 19 June 2005. Hall, Calvin S. and Lindzey, Gardner. Theories of Personality. N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons, 3rd Ed., 1978. Stevenson, David B. â€Å"Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development†. Victorian Web. 19 June 2005.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Avon Marketing Channel Essay -- essays research papers
History of Avon Avon was founded in 1886 as the California Perfume Company by a book salesman named Mr. David McConnell. He got the idea of opening this company when he discovered that the rose oil perfumes he was giving away with the books were the primary reason people were buying his books not the book it self. In 1914 the first international office opened in Montreal, Canada and in 1916 California Perfume Company first incorporated in New York State and by 1964 Avon stocks have been listed on New York Stock Exchange. The company changed its name to Avon products, Inc., in 1939 by the new president of the company the son of the founder after the river that runs through Stratford-On-Avon in the English Midlands. The name is a tribute to McConnell's favorite playwright, William Shakespeare, who hailed from the town. From only $500 revenues a day, which was recorded for the first time in December 1897, in 1920 the company’s revenues reached $1 million a year and by 1972 it reached $1 billion for the first time. In 2004 the total revenue of Avon was $7.7 billions!! In 1999Avon names its first-ever female CEO with the appointment of Andrea Jung in November and in 2001Avon’s Board of Directors elected her as the company’s first female Chairman of the Board. She is one of five female chief executives of Fortune 500 companies, and is one of three holding the titles of chairman and chief executive. Facts about Avon: Avon is the world's leading direct seller of beauty and re...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Art Teacher
Art is for anybody. I want to be an art teacher because I believe that I can influence children to create their own piece of amazing art work. I want to be an art teacher because I enjoy learning new things and sharing what I know with others. Being a very creative person I can create beautiful art. As a teacher I would love to be involved in challenging and inspiring new ideas in children, making them aware of their own thoughts or feelings. This could be done particularly in art by using different materials; for example, making pictures with tissue paper, molding clay and giving children the freedom over what they would produce.Children can express their emotions and feelings through their art and through it the viewer can see what the child is thinking or feeling. The great thing about art is that it is visual so a student could produce a piece of work that is personal to them. When I become a teacher I will be focusing on my teaching skills and knowledge and inspiring interest an d creativity to others. Most importantly, I will get to make a positive impact in the children’s lives every day.I am fascinated by the way teachers help make a positive impact in the lives of children and can help them in both an educational way and in a talented way. I want to be an art teacher because I know I will love my job and because art can be very creative for the children. I want to make an impact in the life of the children. I want to be able to see the impact be put forth. For example to teach a child to draw a picture with pencils, crayons, and other types of media and to see them master drawing a picture and seeing what they create is amazing.I want to be a teacher too not only because I like working with kids, but I want to share and pass on my knowledge to them. I want to help children understand and learn new ways of creating art. There were a lot of things that I struggled with in school when I was younger and I remember my teachers would have to explain th ings to me many times in so many different ways; because of this, I can understand the problems the students are having with their work and relate to them by giving them the same solutions that worked for me expressing my feelings through art.Basically, I want to give back and pass on my knowledge about art to the children. I believe I can make learning enjoyable, productive and worthwhile for my students. My teaching would be fun, exciting and artistic so it has a positive effect on every child and would hopefully provide them with lots of possibilities for the future! These are the reasons why I want to be an art teacher.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Interpretation of “Doreen Pope†by M. Loudon
The text under analysis â€Å"Doreen Pope†is a type of publicistic writing, feature article. The author M. Loudon managed to make this text informative and entertaining for the reader. The article concentrates on an interesting theme. The theme of the article is about the role of a teacher in the system of education in GB. The author embodies the theme into incomparable character. The story reveals the image of ideal teacher. M. Loudon convinces us of the importance of the teacher’s role for children.This important idea that the author expresses in the process of developing the theme is the message of the story. The theme is organically connected with the message. And M. Loudon places the main point very appropriately. It has a complex character is created with the help of interaction of implications and develops further. Sufficient arguments, details and examples support the main idea. â€Å"Miss Pope was an enormous success with the children because she had a genuin e affinity with them.She also had an unpretentious disregard for the formal†. The author uses references effectively and her reasoning sounds very logically and convincing. â€Å"Miss Pope believed that children only learnt self-worth and corporate responsibility through recognition of their gifts, however insignificant they might have seemed in scholastic terms: so while she was appreciate of talent and enthusiasm, it was those who were shy, or obstreperous, or who found reading or writing is difficult, which whom she spent the most time.†Such cohesive devices as â€Å"practically, so, also, indeed, just, however†within the paragraphs and the repetition the main character’s name between them catch the reader’s attention, give more prominence to the words. Implication is conveyed by different techniques, artistic details, arrangement of plot structure and images. With the help of it the writer achieved her main purpose. M. Loudon informs the reader about educational system in GB, convinces us of the importance of the role of a teacher. She makes us feel sympathy to the main character and respect her strong personality.M. Loudon reminds us about eternal values and morals in our life. The style of presentation of these ideas is appealing and appropriate for the situation. â€Å"Practically, no one reading this will have of Miss Pope. Her greatness is no obvious and it has never been documented. †Using not very formal style the writer involves us to the situation, invites to an open dialog, creates free and trust atmosphere. The author’s attitude to the character determines the tone of the story. Tone expresses the relationship between the author and the character.It is sympathetic, cheerful, and enthusiastic. M. Loudon resorts to emotionally colored words, such as â€Å"cheerful†, â€Å"jolly†, â€Å"brisk†, â€Å"great†. An extensive image of the character is created by similes  "Miss Pope and Sheena as the Madonna and Child in Renaissance Europe†epithets: â€Å"wholesome woman†, â€Å"unobtrusive clothes†, â€Å"sensible shoes†, â€Å"affectionate woman†, â€Å"insatiable sense of humor†. Metaphors: â€Å"she never lost her cool†, antitheses: â€Å"from sunny childhood to dark adolescence†Intensifiers, such as: â€Å"completely different tot us†, â€Å"such an aloof dog†.Polysyndeton: â€Å"she had an insatiable sense of humor and a huge, rotund laugh, and she never failed to reward even the dullest anecdote. †The use of low-colloquial words intensifies the contrast; make a parallel between primary and secondary school: â€Å"fuck off, posh bitch†The writer applies contrast, parallel structure, framing to visualize the article. The use of these means produces a humorous effect and testifies to the inventiveness and wit of the author. The title of the article catches our attention, gives prominence to the main character due to capitalization.The title is the name of the character that emphasizes its importance in the article, defines sympathetic feelings of the author, and arouses reader’s interest to it. The article raises important and interesting themes. It forces us to be involved in the problem of the role of a teacher. Teacher is a guide, is an inspirer, is a monitor, is a friend, is a second mother, and is a mentor, who teaches simple, but timeless and good values. And M. Loudon was succeeded in paying tribute to an inspirational teacher and created a hymn to a teacher.
Women in Media
‘The Objectification and Dismemberment of Women in the Media-A study on women portrayal in media’ Author: Jyoti jain, Lecturer, Amity Business School, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur (Raj. ) Abstract â€Å"Women’s bodies continue to be dismembered in advertising. Over and over again just one part of the body is used to sell products, which is, of course, the most dehumanizing thing you can do to someone. Not only is she a thing, but just one part of that thing is focused on. †   Jean Kilbourne Modern Advertising is an annual multi-billion Dollar business now-a-days. Advertising is everywhere – in magazines, on television, in movie theaters, on countless web pages, on busses, in subways and on milk-cartons. In fact, advertisements are so common in our times that we don’t even realize we are looking at them anymore. They invade not only our mailboxes, but our minds and in doing so, they contribute to the image we shape of women in our culture. Women are often presented in a dehumanized way in mass media images, their humanity sacrificed to display the artificial ideal. Women are not only turned into a thing, but the thing is broken down into component parts, each of which also represents an ideal form. She is dismembered. The debate, whether the portrayal of women in advertising is a serious or overrated issue, has been ongoing for quite some time and the final answer may never be found. Does the objectification of women in advertising have an adverse affect on society? Is there more violence against women as a result of these images? Are women being exploited? This paper tries to find out some of the cause and effect of these objectification and dismemberment on women in common. ******** Article type: Conceptual paper Key words: Dismemberment, Objectification, media, advertisement Sun Theme -Objectification of women in media Media that objectify women portray women as physical objects that can be looked at and acted upon– and fail to portray women as subjective beings with thoughts, histories, and emotions. In reality, human beings are both objects as subjects, as they are physical collections of molecules as well as individuals. To objectify someone, then, is to reduce someone exclusively to the level of object. Literature review A Definition of Media Objectification Fredrickson and Roberts (1997) coined the term, objectification theory, which suggests that our culture socializes girls and women to internalize an observer’s perspective on their own bodies. When young girls and women internalize an observer’s perspective of their own bodies, they live much of their life in the third-person. This is called self-objectification. The Objectification and Dismemberment of Women in Media In dismemberment ads the images highlight one part of women’s body neglect others. Magazine ads show a dismembered female body, with parts, instead of the whole, a practice that according to media activist, Jean Kilbourne, turns women into objects. Indeed, the objectification of women is evident in our society where women are constantly sexualized, but the dismemberment of women has yet to receive the consideration and exploration it deserves. Kilbourne (2002) suggested that the dismemberment of women is a monstrous problem in advertising. Typically, dismemberment ads employ female body parts for the purpose of selling a product. Dismemberment ads promote the idea of separate entities. These ads overtly and covertly encourage a woman to view her body as many individual pieces rather than a whole. Dismemberment ads leave many women feeling that their entire body is spoiled on account of one less than perfect feature. If a woman has less than satisfactory legs, then her potential for beauty is spoiled. In other words, if every body part is not flawless, then the possibility for beauty is ruined. Many women compare their bodies and sexuality to the eroticized images that are plastered on billboards and television and in magazines and movies (Kilbourne, 2002). With these images bombarding the mass media, it alters the reality and consciousness. This results in viewing women just as pleasure objects and toys; this is the first step in converting women into prostitute. Pleasure and sex which can be bought apart from woman’s soul: conditioning men into thinking of women as objects and pressurizing women to â€Å"conform†to sex-beauty protocols this de-humanizing continues. It is not about what dress some one is wearing, its hyper reality and politicization of women’s bodies which we are objecting. Is Objectification a Problem? If considered generally to some degree, objectification is not necessarily a problem. It has been a tendency of human nature to look at others as physical beings, and individuals sometimes choose to present themselves as others primarily as objects through their dress or behavior. Objectivity becomes an issue when it is frequent, and when people are commonly presented only as objects and not as subjects as well. Women are frequently objectified in the media. When one see an image of a woman who is presented passively, and who demonstrates no other attributes aside from her physical or sexual being, that's objectification. Here are some contemporary examples of women who are commonly (although not always) portrayed as passive objects to be enjoyed exclusively as physical beings: †¢ Sexualized images of women in music videos †¢ Pinup posters of sexualized models †¢ Women in pornography †¢ Waitresses at Hooters Dismemberment ads focus on one part of the body, e. g. , a woman’s lips. Hence we get numerous images of lips, legs, breasts, butts, torsos – female body parts. Frequently in such images the head is missing, emphasizing that females are not valued for their intellect, but for their external form, their curves. Sut Jhally points out that presenting women as fragmented and disconnected body parts detracts from thinking about women as real people with their own intellect, feelings, dreams and desires. Women become objects for consumption. Measuring the Effects of Objectification through the Use of the Objectified Body Consciousness Scale McKinley and Hyde (1996) developed the Objectified Body Consciousness Scale (OBCS). The OBCS has three components: body surveillance, body shame, and beliefs about appearance control. 1. The first element of the OBCS is body surveillance, the degree to which women view themselves as an object. The feminine body has been constructed as an object to be looked at. This construction encourages women to view their bodies as if they were outside observers. Psychological research has proven that there are negative implications for constant self-surveillance and self-objectification (McKinley & Hyde, 1996; Fredrickson & Noll, 1997; Gettman & Roberts, 2004; Brooks, 1995). 2. The second element of the OBCS is body shame. This encompasses the internalization of cultural beauty standards. Sadly, when women experience internalization, the beauty standards appear to originate from the self, and many women believe that the attainment of these standards is possible, even in the face of considerable evidence to the contrary. The internalization of cultural beauty standards promotes body shame, body dissatisfaction, anxiety, and depression (McKinley & Hyde, 1996). 3. The third element of the OBCS is appearance control beliefs. The OBCS relies heavily on the underlying assumption that women are taught to believe that they are responsible for how they look and have the ability and obligation to alter them when necessary. Convincing women that they can achieve the impossible beauty standards of our culture can have very negative effects. There are certainly instances in which a woman has no control over her appearance, and if this is the case, the woman feels like a failure (McKinley , 1996). The Implications of Objectification Result shown by the different studied conducted on objectification and dismemberment shows that these may contribute to the development of several mental health risks, including eating disorders, unipolar depression, and sexual dysfunction. The subsequent studies attest to the negative implications of objectifying the female body. †¢ Depression & Anxiety Kuring and Tiggemann (2004) conducted a study consisting of 286 undergraduate students (115 men, 171 women). Participants were administered a questionnaire that contained â€Å"measures of self-objectification and self-surveillance, measures of the proposed consequences of self-objectification (body shame, appearance anxiety, flow and awareness of internal bodily states), as well as the outcome variables of disordered eating and depressive mood†(301). The study found that self-objectification leads to self-surveillance that, in turn, leads to body shame and appearance anxiety and in both greater disordered eating and more depressed mood. This finding is only true for women. Contrarily, men experienced much lower levels of self-surveillance. However, the men who presented evidence of self-surveillance experienced increased body shame and appearance anxiety. It is noteworthy that men showed no presence of self-objectification, thus suggesting that women are overwhelmingly more likely to experience self-objectification and self-surveillance. The rare cases in which men experience self-surveillance, similar emotions and reactions are present (Kuring & Tiggemann, 2004). †¢ Disorded eating habits Fredrickson, Noll, Quinn, Roberts, and Twenge (1998) found that self-objectification contributed to disorderd eating directly. The participants were administered the Self-Objectification Questionnaire, which required them to rank the order and the significance of 12 body attributes by how important each is to their physical self-concept. Their hypothesis posits that anticipated body shame encourages women to participate in disordered eating. Oftentimes, women who engage in disordered eating are attempting to maintain or gain body satisfaction and avoid the dreaded experience of body shame. Their hypothesis received support. Thus, it can be safely assumed that our culture’s practice of sexual-objectification of the female body has profoundly negative effects on women, and disordered eating is only one of many. †¢ Body Dissatisfaction Study conducted by Baker, Towell, and Sivyer (1997). This study investigated the role of visual media by examining the relationship between body image issatisfaction and abnormal eating attitudes in visually impaired women. Body dissatisfaction and abnormal eating attitudes are frequent effects of our culture’s promotion of an unattainable beauty ideal.. The results indicate that visual media may play a crucial role in the development and maintenance of body dissatisfaction and disordered eating (Baker et al. , 1997). †¢ Anxiety & sexual dissatisfaction In a study cond ucted by Gettman and Roberts (2004), the results demonstrated that the objectification prime led to significantly higher levels of appearance anxiety. It also led to a decrease in the appeal of physical aspects of sex. This is the first piece of evidence that lends support to the prediction that objectification contributes to sexual dysfunction (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997). Perhaps sexualizing and objectifying women actually decreases their sex drive rather than increases their sex drive. Conclusion â€Å"What women suffer, then, is more insidious than invisibility. It is deliberate erasure. †Undoubtedly, the sexualized portrayal of women in the media has significantly negative outcomes. These negative outcomes are not only affecting adult women but also young girls. The problematic representations of women in the media deserve our immediate attention, consideration, and research. Future studies should include: further exploration of the relational barriers between men and women, the centerfold syndrome and its effect on human intimacy, the appeal of physical sex to women and its relationship to the dismemberment of women in the media. References Baker, D. , Sivyer, R. , & Towell, T. (1997). Body Image Dissatisfaction and Eating Attitudes in Visually Impaired Women. London: Division of Psychology, University of West Minister. Brooks, G. (1995). The Centerfold Syndrome: How Men Can Overcome Objectification and Achieve Intimacy With Women. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Fredrickson, B. , Noll, S. , Roberts, T. , Twenge, J. , & Quinn, D. (1998). That Swimsuit Becomes You: Sex Differences in Self-Objectification, Restrained Eating, and Math Performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75, 269-284. Gettman, J. , & Roberts, T. (2004). Mere Exposure: Gender Differences in the Negative Effects of Priming a State of Self-Objectification. Sex Roles, 51, 17-27. Good, L. , Mills, A. , Murnen, S. , & Smolak, L. (2003). Thin, Sexy Women and Strong, Muscular Men: Grade-School Children’s Responses to Objectified Images of Women and Men. Sex Roles, 49, 427-437. Kilbourne, J. (2002). Beauty and the Beast of Advertising. Retrieved March 12, 2005 from http://www. medialit. org/reading_room/article40. html. McKinley, N. , & Hyde, J. (1996). The Objectified Body Consciousness Scale: Development and Validation. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 20, 181-215. Roberts, S. , & Fredrickson, B. (1997). Objectification Theory: Toward Understanding Women’s Lived Experiences and Mental Health Risks. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 21, 173-206. Tiggeman, M. , & Kuring, J. (2004). The Role of Objectification in Disordered Eating and Depressed Mood. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 43, 299-311. www. genderads. com Media Portrayal of Women: Female Stereotypes in the Media http://medialiteracy. suite101. com/article. cfm/media_portrayal_of_women#ixzz0iE6NTp52
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Philanthropic activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Philanthropic activity - Essay Example The event falls on the National Child Abuse Awareness month, and its venue is Patsy’s House, a Children’s Advocacy Center. My participation in the event was on 2015, March 28, at around 12:25 noon-2:00pm. My participation location was at Patterson Honda, Old Jacksboro Highway. I helped raise funds for the African Student Organization, by donating to the pinwheel program. I made a $20 donation to the organization, helping raise funds for the event. I also took my beloved dog with me, which I let the kids play with as they enjoyed themselves. I indulged in philanthropy to help raise funds for the organization, playing my societal role in bettering the lives of other individuals. I hope to participate in other charitable activities, as my previous attendance made me feel better about myself. I felt appreciated by seeing the joy and happiness depicted in those kids, developing and unquenchable urge to participate even further. Verification of my service can be provided by Onyinye, who was a fellow participant. Her contact information is as presented
Monday, October 7, 2019
Fords marketing strategy The Way Forward Case Study - 1
Fords marketing strategy The Way Forward - Case Study Example This research will begin with the statement that Ford is one of the top ten leading global brands in terms of revenue.  In 2008 to 2009 however, Ford and the automotive industry, in general, experienced difficulty. Its competitors Chrysler and General Motors declared bankruptcy and the company itself is in danger experiencing a substantial decline in sales of 23.4 percent in 2008 to 2009. In an attempt to jump-start sales and save the company, Ford’s new CEO, Man Mulally the former EVP of Boeing (who incidentally helped saved the company’s declining sales after 9/11 attack) implemented a marketing strategy dubbed â€Å"The Way Forward†which served as the company’s blueprint to overcome the 2008-2009 crisis. There are several marketing issues in Ford’s marketing strategy â€Å"The Way Forward†. These are market segmentation, refocused marketing effort and pricing in addition to cutting costs. Perhaps what saved Ford from bankruptcy during the very difficult time of 2008-2009 crisis was its decision to refocus its marketing efforts towards emerging markets. Not only did the company experienced an increase in sales during this difficult time but it also saved on cost when it sold its Volvo subsidiary to leave its maturing market in Europe. As it turned out, it had to keep up with the challenge of the increasing demand rather than get anxious about declining sales.Â
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Environmental Impact of Products Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Environmental Impact of Products - Essay Example Their examples can be used to show how companies had to change their products and their processes in order to become more environmentally friendly. Environmental degradation has become a very important topic for the world today watchdog groups as well as concerned bodies focus on various ways and means in which they can force giant companies to help the environment rather than harm it (Green, 2005). Government regulation, think tank pressure, as well as the opinions of various consumer groups, can force companies to become friendlier towards the environment (Schulte, 2006). Undoubtedly, human activities including the actions taken by corporations have had a visible impact on the global environment and this has been noted by the scientific community at large. While the government can make laws to regulate a bare minimum to be done by corporations, consumers have to ensure that they do not support those companies which are hurting the environment (VonAncken, 2006). Consumers who have access to vast amounts of information about the companies they make purchases from can demand that the brands or businesses which they support behave ethically and show their responsibility for not hurting the environment. Organisations have to show that they are ethical producers since consumer wish to be ethical themselves and may make the purchase decisions based on knowing if the company is helping the environment rather than hurting it (Ethical Consumer, 2006). By being friendly to the environment, companies such as Apple and Cadbury Schweppes are helping their shareholders and investors (Phillips, 2003). Through the scientific developments in recycling, proper water conservation, and more efficient technologies for generating energy, individuals and companies have made great advances in becoming more environmentally responsible. At the same time, these efforts fall short of what will be needed in the world for sustained long-term prosperity.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Integration of Western Culture Into African Culture Essay
Integration of Western Culture Into African Culture - Essay Example In the African context, the individual does not exist but rather the society. Africans believe in working together for the society and obeying societal norms. It has taken time for the African to adopt the individualistic philosophies because these dictate that an individual should be autonomous. On the contrary, African philosophies suggest that without the society, the individual would feel empty. Individualism and liberty philosophies from the west remain new to some Africans. This explains why there is little democracy in African countries but the people do nothing about it. In addition, Africans have slowly integrated western science ad technological innovations to their traditional industries. The acceptance did not come easily. In a bid to catch up with the rest of the developing world in trade and economy, Africa had to absorb the new education and technology to solve its problems. Africa had the resources but lacked the technological expertise to make use of the resources. It is sad to realize that African countries still lag behind in application of the new technologies into their industries. On the other hand, some scientific knowledge serves to strengthen what society believes in. Advances in genetics help the African communities to give explanations to their beliefs. The African culture appreciates that different individuals differ in physical traits. They also recognize that close family members had a high level of resemblance. Such scientific breakthroughs were easy to integrate into their culture. (Erickson, 2005). Before introduction of western medicine, Africans had their form of traditional medicine. Traditional medicine had its unique form of prescription and diagnosis. In some communities, traditional healers associated disease with
Friday, October 4, 2019
Adult Day Services at the WBRP Nursing Home in Flushing, Queens, New Essay
Adult Day Services at the WBRP Nursing Home in Flushing, Queens, New York - Essay Example The paper presents the results of the analyses and the formation of a preliminary set of strategies to take advantage of the identified opportunities (National Adult Day Services Association, 2012; National Adult Day Services Association, 2010; The Economist Newspaper Limited, 2010; Gleckman, 2009; International Health Economics, 2011; Hicks et al., 2004; National Bureau of Economic Research, 2012; Center on Age and Community, 2010). II. Market Analysis A. Market Demographics, Size, Characteristics While the nursing home is in Flushing, Queens, New York, we take the whole potential market for nursing home services and related services, existing or the be introduced, to consist of target market customers living in the greater Queens, New York area. This is a conservative estimate, as with proper marketing and targeting the target market geographically speaking can be as broad as the whole of New York City. Focusing on Queens, the statistics are that the total population has been stati c at around 2.3 million in 2010, roughly the same level as in 2000. People over 65 years of age made up 12.8 percent of the population, or more than 230,000 residents above that age. Some estimates put the number of people over 65 at about 283,000, with roughly equal numbers of men and women, and about 44 percent of the overall population being of Caucasian descent, 20 percent African American, and 17.6 percent Asian. This is the rough estimate of the potential market size for nursing home and related services in the Queens area of New York (US Census Bureau, 2012; Onboard Informatics, 2011; Wolfram Alpha LLC, 2012; ePodunk, 2007; Roleke, 2012). Prospectively, however, hypothesizing that adult day services provision is viable, the target market is expanded to include all adults who may avail of such services, short-term and long term. This expands the market size to all but those who are under 18 years old and living in Queens, or all Queens residents except for about 21 percent of the population, who are minors (US Census Bureau, 2012; Onboard Informatics, 2011; Wolfram Alpha LLC, 2012; ePodunk, 2007; Roleke, 2012) The median income of a household is pegged at roughly the same amount as the city median income, at about 55,300 dollars, while the cost of living is much higher as judged by the cost of living index of about 159, much higher than the national average of 100. This is a relatively wealthy neighborhood, and therefore is ripe for services tied to nursing home services (US Census Bureau, 2012; Onboard Informatics, 2011; Wolfram Alpha LLC, 2012; ePodunk, 2007; Roleke, 2012; Hevesi and Bleiwas, 2006). B. Market Trends, Events of Impact The recent recession has brought about changes in the buying power and long-term financial viability of a large swath of the American population, including people in Queens, New York. This has had an impact on the ability of people over 65 years to finance long-term care on their own and with the help of family. This in tu rn has had an impact on the viability of providers of long-term care to the elderly, including nursing homes and providers of corollary services to homes (The Economist Newspaper Limited, 2010; Gleckman, 2009; International Health Economics, 2011; Hicks et al., 2004; National Bureau of Economic Research,
Thursday, October 3, 2019
The Whole Person Paradigm Essay Example for Free
The Whole Person Paradigm Essay The Whole Person Paradigm Knowing oneself is the first step for the improvement of one’s personality. For us do better, we must first accept the things we are better at and the things we are the least, in short, identify your potentials, harness it with your passion and overcome your weaknesses. Personally one of the best traits that I feel I have is the urge for learning new things and adopting what can be really used. I can say that I am good in speaking, planning, organizing which I can use more in the teaching profession. Most of my former teachers who are presently my co-teachers often say that I have most of the talents and skills far better to be an excellent educator but still have to work on my attitude. They say I’m the â€Å"jack of all trades†which means having to know most but haven’t perfected or mastered some. Most people are easy saying things they believed they are good at but failed to accept the things they lacked with, and the worse, afraid to face the weaknesses they had. Second strength that I gained through experience is converting weakness as my strength by means of facing and learning from them. I do now believed that I should revalue attitude sided by skills and not to tend to forget the first. Number one is to add my patience, perseverance and love of work to anything accepted and took an oath to do, my responsibilities and duty. As a teacher, a learner, an educator and as a researcher I can touch lives by setting as an example of my persistence, patience and the willingness to help others. At the moment I’m assessing myself, it took me couple of days where to start on how to describe my life and end up hearing a song which I think best describes my life in that moment. The Climb-Myley Cyrus I can almost see it- To widen your vision in life. That dream I’m dreaming of I had a chance to redefine what are my dreams and goals at time being. There’s a voice inside my head said You’ll never reach it- I had the courage to continue personal progress. Every step I’m taking Every move I’m make me with Lost with no direction- I had set my time table and set target. My faith is shaking- My faith grows more. But I got to keep trying. Got to keep my head hailed high-Confidence together with hard work inside me matures. There’s always gonna be another mountain Never to lose hope and faith in God I’m always gonna wanna make it move†¦ Keep on moving†¦- Never to stop learning and believing.
David Ricardo: The Comparative Advantage
David Ricardo: The Comparative Advantage As a successful classical economist of the 1700 to 1800s, David Ricardo is known for many of his contributions to political and classical economics including the theory of comparative advantage. The theory of comparative advantage suggests that a person can have a comparative advantage at producing something if he or she can produce it at a lower cost than anyone else. On a larger scale, the comparative advantage has played a large role in free trade, and providing markets with goods and services that would have otherwise been unavailable (Library of Economics and Liberty, 2007). This report will discuss the complications and advantages of the comparative advantage, David Ricardo’s background and theories, the comparative advantages effect on the economy, the political aspect of the theory of comparative advantage, and how it has developed over time. The Comparative Advantage The Comparative Advantage has had a direct effect on international trade and voluntary trade. The theory explores how to create mutually beneficial gains through trade between countries through comparing opportunity costs. Consider the following equation for opportunity cost:, if both China and Canada produce steel and wool, but China produces steel at a lower opportunity cost than Canada (meaning that they give up less monetary assets, goods, or labour costs to produce it), and Canada produces wool at a lower opportunity cost than China, each country has a comparative advantage against one another. This is where mutually beneficial gains of each country comes into play, if Canada chooses to trade some of the wool they have produced for metal, they are gaining more metal then they would have if they had chosen to create both the wool and metal themselves (Cohen Howe, Scarcity, opportunity cost, and trade, 2010). The benefits of the comparative advantage are simple, when a person wak es up in Canada on a cold winter morning and enjoys a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee, they are enjoying the benefits of the comparative advantage theory. This is because Canada is not able to produce cocoa beans or grow oranges, therefore countries such as Brazil and the USA have a comparative advantage, and Canada must import these goods from them. In Canada much of what makes up the gross domestic product comes from exports and imports, in fact Canada’s import 34% of their goods, and export 36% of GDP. Considering the GDP equation: it becomes apparent of the direct impact this theory has on the Canadian economy, and how it is detrimental for its continuation and growth (Cohen Howe, Globalization and Trade Policy, 2010). Although there are many clear benefits regarding the comparative advantage, there are a few complications and criticisms that must be taken into consideration. The main issues with this theory are the effects of trade on the country doing the trading, these concerns include prices of goods in the country, production levels of said goods, employment levels, who exports and imports what, consumption levels, wages and incomes and welfare effects. These issues can be affected both positively and negatively by uncontrollable forces such as technology and government and can have a direct impact on a countries GDP (Suranovic, 2007). Some other areas of concern include relative prices and exchange rates not being taken into consideration, overstating of benefits and ignora nce of costs such as transport costs and sea and air pollution, as well as the complexity of the real world in comparison to the simplistic example of two countries trading goods (Economics Online, n.d.). David Ricardo David Ricardo began as a stock broker for the London stock exchange in the late 1700s, during this time he gained great wealth that allowed him to further develop other interests such as science and economics. At the age of 27 Ricardo read The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, and this commenced ten years of studying and by the age of 37 David Ricardo his first published work called The High Price of Bullion, a Proof of the Depreciating Bank Notes (Spengler, 2014). Ricardo was a true believer in the quantity theory of money, which is the belief that money supply has a direct relationship with price. In 1815 Ricardo published an article called Essay on the Influence of a Low Price of Corn on the Profits of Stock, during which he expressed his opposition to Corn Laws, which at the time caused a restriction on the importation of wheat. As a result of this, Ricardo developed the idea of comparative costs, which is now known as the comparative theory or the Ricardian Model (Library of Econ omics and Liberty, 2008). In his book On the Principles of Political Policy and Taxation Ricardo suggested that by having an absolute advantage (where a country makes their own goods and does not trade) a countries profits can never increase. He advocates that foreign trade can increase profits by bringing food and necessities into the market at a lower price thereby reducing wages and increasing profits. Ricardo asserts that this theory provides advantages to all consumers, as well as producers as they gain more product but costs remain the same (Ricardo, 1817). Ricardo suggests that a country can benefit greatly from trade through the realization and optimization of their comparative, and absolute advantage goods (Suranovic, 2007). Economic Aspect The comparative theory has had ample effect on the global and Canadian economy. For the purposes of this report the focus will be on the Canadian economies effects pertaining to the comparative theory and free trade. In 1989 Canada created a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) which allowed them to trade their goods globally with other countries, five years later the North American free-trade agreement (NAFTA) was implemented to allow free trade between Canada, Mexico and the United States of America. These events have drastically reformed the Canadian economy to what it is today (Schwanen, 2013). Canada relies heavily on free trade to maintain its GDP, specifically through exports and imports. Canada has become the ideal example of how the comparative theory can benefit a country, this is because Canada has much better technology then other countries and has many resources to create its own products and services, but through free-trade Canada is able to grow economically and provide an abundance of goods to its residents. International trade has the ability to increase incomes, saving and investment, all of which have the ability to positively affect the economy. There are many determinants that must be taken into consideration when determining a countries comparative advantage, these include; resource endowments (availability of resources), human skill (such as engineers, programmers, etc.), technology, demand patterns, specialization, business practices, and government policies (Gupta, n.d.). In recent years Canadian exports and imports have been increasing steadily. Exports are comprised of all goods leaving the country such as all goods grown, produced, gathered or manufactured within said country). In 2013 the Canadian merchandise export values increased 3.6% from the previous year, and 1.5% in the last 10 years. Exports to the United States have also been steadily increasing to a current 75.8% of all exports (See Figure 1), and the total value of all exports in Canada in 2013 was $471.4 billion. Imports are comprised of all goods that have entered the country, these include any goods that have crossed boundaries. In 2013 the Canadian merchandise imports increased 2.8% from 2012, and 3.3% in the last 10 years. This data displays a clear increase in imports over exports, which has created a trade deficit in 2013(See Figure 3) (Statistics Canada, 2013). Political Aspect Political decisions have a considerable amount of power regarding the comparative theory and free-trade. These decisions include political pressures regarding trading agreements, creation and implementation of policies, export and import interests, and negotiation between countries (Grossman Helpman, 1993). In Canada, the comparative advantage lies within industries that excerpt natural resources and raw materials. These include wheat, meat, seeds, natural gas, metals, wood and paper. In order for Canada to sustain this comparative advantage it must maintain continual green development to ensure natural resources are still competitive in comparison to other countries resources. Political policies must address these concerns and ensure the prosperity of Canada’s natural resources while still maintaining a high level of exports and imports, as they directly impact the country’s gross domestic product. Canada also has a comparative advantage within the auto industry, as well as aerospace, insurance and communication industries (The Conference Board of Canada, 2013). It is detrimental to Canada’s future economic growth as well as their strengthening of the comparative advantage to ensure technological advances are being made and trade agreements with technologically inn ovative countries are being made. Technology accounts for 5% of Canada’s GDP, and must be able to compare in such a competitive global market. Political figures are responsible for determining and advising on sanctioning policies and identifying emerging businesses to strengthen Canada’s digital advantage (ICTC, 2013). Development of the Comparative Advantage Through the generations the comparative advantage has created growth and innovation in many industries, while it has had great impact on international trade and free trade, there have been hypothesis that the comparative advantage has weakened over time. A recent study named The Evolution of Comparative Advantage: Measurement and Implications suggests that countries with a comparative disadvantage have a faster economic growth than those with a comparative advantage, in both refined and unrefined countries. The study also suggests that the comparative advantage has stayed the same from the 1960s to the 2000s due to productivity levels increasing, and an increase of 15% in GDP in the 2000s that could have been higher had the comparative advantage not been weakening. Finally, the authors have reported that trade patterns have been impacted and have become more similar across countries, such as log and wood. This study suggests that there is still ample work to be done to restore the co mparative advantage and refine it to be more beneficial in today’s economy (Levchenko Zhang, 2014). Conclusion In closing, I consider David Ricardo’s theory to be innovative and well-intended, the world and country I have grown up in would not be what it is today if not for the comparative advantage and free-trade. In this report many aspects of the comparative advantage theory were discussed, what the comparative advantage theory is in regards to opportunity costs and international/free trade, as well as who benefits from the theory and what effects it has on Canada. The history of David Ricardo and his ideals for the future including the Ricardian model. The economic and political aspects and effects of the comparative advantage theory and free-trade in Canada. As well as the evolution of the comparative advantage, and its current place in economics now. Considering the increase in technology and the limited natural resources the world is currently facing, I believe it is important to work towards refining the comparative advantage to help countries better contribute to other country ’s needs, while still mutually benefitting from the trade. In the coming years it will be quite interesting to see how the world handles future innovations and changes in trade and how the Ricardian Model will contribute to those advancements. Bibliography Cohen Howe, A. J. (2010). Globalization and Trade Policy. In A. J. Cohen Howe, Economics for Life (pp. 334-335). Pearson. Cohen Howe, A. J. (2010). Scarcity, opportunity cost, and trade. In Economics for Life (p. 399). Pearson. Economics Online. (n.d.). Comparative Advantage. Retrieved from Grossman Helpman, G. M. (1993). The Politics of Free Trade Agreements. Retrieved from The National Bureau of Economic Research: Gupta, S. D. (n.d.). Comparative Advantage and Competitive Advantage: An Economics Perspective and a Synthesis. Retrieved from ICTC. (2013). Strengthening Canadas comparative advantage. Retrieved from Information and Communications Technology Council: Levchenko Zhang, A. A. (2014). The Evolution of Comparative Advantage: Measurement and Welfare Implications. Retrieved from The National Bureau of Economic Research: Library of Economics and Liberty. (2007). Comparative Advantage. Retrieved from Library of Economics and Liberty: Library of Economics and Liberty. (2008). The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics: David Recardo . Retrieved from Ricardo, D. (1817). On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Retrieved from Library of Economics and Liberty:, On Foreign Trade, comparative advantage Schwanen, D. (2013). Free trade transformed Canadas economy. Retrieved from The Globe and Mail: Spengler, J. J. (2014). Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from David Ricardo: Statistics Canada. (2013). International Trade Canadian Economy . Retrieved from Industry Canada: Suranovic, S. M. (2007). The Theory of Comparative Advantage. Retrieved from International Trade Theory and Policy: The Conference Board of Canada. (2013). Canadas trade strengths come from natural resources and related industries. Retrieved from The Conference Board of Canada: Figures Figure 1. Top Export Destinations. An overview of total exports from Canada to other countries. Figure 2. Top Import Sources. An overview of total imports to Canada from other countries. Figure 3. Exports, Imports and Trade Balance. A comparison of exports, imports, and the trade balance (deficit) from 2004-2013.
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