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Microbiology Topics For Research Paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Air Forces Northern incident awareness and assessment playbook Essay
Morals Presentation  â â â â â â â â â â The United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) is the warrior order that is liable for security and resistance. They direct Defense of the Civil specialists through giving capacities to the DOD, Department of Defense from their territory, air and ocean segments on the side of the main government strategies outfitted towards reacting to any country security danger.  â â â â â â â â â â Among the capacities that the DOD brings to their activities is the ISR and IAA. There is no contrast between these two terms just that the term IAA has quite recently been authored by the USNORTHCOM to signify the utilization of ISR when it is applied locally to help the country security. The ISR activity basically comprise of flying both kept an eye on and unmanned stages which are set to spin over the front line top give an away from of the circumstance underneath. During the wartime, this image could incorporate the area of streets and statement of the adversary and furthermore the data that might be required to focus on the foe. ISR gives an away from of situational mindfulness that couldn't just be utilized deliberately to pick up the full picture yet additionally strategically to assemble knowledge data that are valuable in connecting with singular targets. The circumstance mindfulness that is given by the IAA/ISR turns into a noteworthy power multiplier which the officers have been known to profoundly depend on.  â â â â â â â â â â There are numerous snags to acknowledging maximum capacity for the ISR in country security. Presently there is legal, principle, moral and strategy hindrances that exist to forestall ISR from arriving at their full limit with respect to the country security arrangement.  â â â â â â â â â â Improved tenets will see the division of Defense improve their capacity to convey IAA abilities to the neighborhood, inborn, state and furthermore the government substances. The shoppers everywhere throughout the nation and furthermore the entire world will profit by improved IAA abilities.  â â â â â â â â â â The most critical moral issues come optionally where IAA abilities are utilized locally. This is on the grounds that it is realized that all the American residents appreciate opportunities of protection, articulation and they anticipate that this should be basic and be regarded in the most ideal manner conceivable. The American residents exceptionally esteem their opportunities and subsequently unwilling thoughts that appear to compromise their sacred assurance.  â â â â â â â â â â In publicizing the utilization and reason for IAA, I think there is a major moral thought in it on the grounds that the residents will become acquainted with the capacity of IAA and how they work. They won't feel that their opportunities are being encroached on yet realize this is a military activity and that is how they are and ought to be conveyed thus in so getting along, there will be no habitual pettiness between the administration and the residents. Reference USAF. (2007). Flying corps tenet record 2-9; Intelligence, observation, and surveillance tasks. Washington, D.C.: United States Air Force. Flying corps Northern. (2010). Aviation based armed forces Northern occurrence mindfulness and evaluation playbook. Tyndall AFB, FL: USAF. USNORTHCOM Public Affairs. (2008, September 18). Typhoon reaction. Recovered from United States Northern Command: Source archive
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Obesity and Biology
Stoutness and Biology Obesity isn’t named an eating issue any longer. It is more than that a person’s science plays a major roll. Cells and hormones play a major move on how enormous you are and how your body controls vitality. Food rises to vitality and the body stores that vitality in fat cells and utilizations the vitality varying. The digestion separates that food and utilizations the vitality produced from that nourishment for regular exercises, for example, strolling, talking, thinking. The quicker ones digestion is the more effective they are at separating food and utilizing the energy.The more slow the digestion the more vitality gets put away and gets transformed into fat cells and not utilized. The hormone leptin, which is created in fat cells, imparts signs to the cerebrum revealing to it that its levels are dropping which implies the cells are lessening. At the point when this happens the mind forms that data as starvation and imparts signs back to hinder th e digestion and store however much vitality as could reasonably be expected. There are individuals who eat not exactly other yet at the same time put on weight. That’s an organic issue. There are territories in the mind investigate has discovered that whenever harmed can prompt obesity.One such territory is the ventromedial nerve center and the encompassing axons. In the event that this zone in the mind is harmed at, at that point this can prompt gorging and all the more putting away of fat cells. Research directed on rodents at the University of Nebraska took a gander at this territory in the cerebrum and how it influences food admission and body weight. With harm to that territory the rodent almost significantly increased in size in the centers of around sixty days. Food consumption doesn't generally relate to body weight. It is conceivable to exorbitantly eat and not put on weight. It just issues how dynamic one is and how effective the digestion is.There are different zon es in the cerebrum situated in the prefrontal cortex that additionally can influence body weight. Those zones are answerable for food-chasing practices. On the off chance that one is constantly snared on looking for high fat food, for example, burgers and high sugar beverages, for example, coke then that can prompt an overweight issue. The issue with sugared beverages, for example, coke is that it is high in fructose sugar and that specific sugar doesn't raise insulin or leptin as different sugars do. So you drink a greater amount of the pop, which likens to more calories without satiety. The cerebrum isn't the main factor in weight another factor can be genetics.Your quality cosmetics can be answerable for how much vitality you store, and that’s all been passed down to you from your predecessors. On the off chance that your progenitors were just getting by in life by eating next to no as around 1000 calories every day and putting away a great deal of vitality in fat cells an d utilizing that vitality productively then that implies you ought not eat nourishments that are high in fat. The explanation is your hereditary cosmetics structures your body to store more vitality from food. Those whose body is organized like this that eat a typical eating routine of around 2500 calories daily will pick up weight.That is because of the way that the qualities were from the precursors thought an ordinary eating regimen of around 1000 calories was adequate to get them by. In America most nourishments you discover nowadays have a great deal of fat in them. Great tasting unfortunate food is less expensive than solid food. A burger is route less expensive than a plate of mixed greens nowadays. The American way of life expects individuals to have the option to get food rapidly. Nobody likes standing by any longer and scarcely anybody cooks any longer. Home kitchens are starting to contract as Americans midsection size is starting to develop. Drive-thru eateries cover pre tty much every business street.Americans eating way of life is probably the greatest factor in their weight. Stout individuals who get more fit wind up picking up it directly back in light of the fact that the mind thinks the body is starving in light of the fact that there are insufficient fat cells that it was ordinarily used to. An individual that gets more fit can't eat a similar sum as an individual who is normally at that weight. They need to eat around 500 calories less so as to keep up their new weight. Its not just an impermanent eating regimen they must be on, yet a lifetime diet on the off chance that they need to keep the weight off and they need to practice ordinary.
Friday, August 21, 2020
A Tale of Two Struggles
A Tale of Two Struggles It was 2AM. After a heart-warming and tummy-filling Thanksgiving break with my parents and my favorite sister (she’s kind of my only sister, but that’s beside the point) I found myself sitting in front of my desk, the room empty, and my roommates still gone. The glare of my laptop screen illuminated three sheets of paper covered in a few inked drawings for my next blog post and I took a dainty sip from my aluminum water bottle. The water tasted strangely of swimming pool. Weird. All that was left was to make the sprint from Maseeh Hall to the Student Center to use the scanner in CopyTech and my belated post could finally be uploaded. I probably should have just waited until the next morning when normal people usually run errands. But sleep deprived brains convinced me otherwise. After putting on my jacket and pulling up my toasty sweatpants, I channeled my inner polar bear and barreled through the front door. The wind was predictably cold and the Student Center was empty except for a lady in a puffy jacket minding her own business. Anyway, I was in high spirits until a minute later when all my hopes and dreams were shattered. Everything is more dramatic at 2 in the morning. The scanner in CopyTech was broken and a blinking error message smiled up at me. No amount of random button pushing could get my pictures scanned and my goal of finally fulfilling my blog posting duties was momentarily derailed. And that, my friends, is why this post is sadly devoid of any visual aids. But never fear! Once the scanner gets fixed, another post shall materialize, filled to the brim with questionable artwork drawn by yours truly. This last week has been as close to a Hell Week as I’ve ever been. You might be wondering, what is a Hell Week anyway? Excellent question. According to Urban Dictionary, Hell Week is “a situation in which a person spends a long period of time forgoing sleep and sometimes other necessities to prepare for something.†I highly recommend Urban Dictionary for all your slang needs, as long as your slang needs include reading exceedingly unreliable, crowd sourced definitions of colloquial terms. In this case, however, Urban Dictionary spit out a rather tame and accurate entry. While sleep was not entirely forgone and no meals were skipped (I fail to see how it is humanly possible to skip meals; I am hungry, hear me roar), I had a lot more work than usual. As a freshman, I don’t think I’m qualified to use that phrase to its fullest extent, especially considering how short the week was. Upperclassmen constantly regale me with harrowing tales of back to back exams or days filled with essays, psets, and lab work. They make no efforts to spare the gory details. In comparison, my week seems benign. But I’m only a freshman, so I’ll take my Hell Weeks in manageable increments, thank you very much. I had a 7.012 exam Monday night, a 8.01 exam Tuesday night, a 5.112 pset due Wednesday morning, and a 24.09 philosophy essay due Wednesday at 11:59pm. I really shouldn’t be complaining though, because as soon as the barrage of work ended, Thanksgiving break descended upon the MIT masses and we were granted a four day reprieve. Hopefully as the semesters go by, I’ll figure out how to manage my time better. Maybe next year, my sister won’t have to sit on my bed twiddling her thumbs for an hour as I feverishly try to submit my philosophy essay before the deadline. For now, everything is great, and with only 20 more days until winter break, I’m downright giddy. The only thing that stands between me and a plane back to California is a final essay and three final exams. I guess I better get studying.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Renewable And Other Low Carbon Technologies - 957 Words
lower than the target purely through adding renewable and other low carbon technologies. However, if CCGT are used in conjunction with CCS the emissions drop to 56gCO2/MWh. This could then form the majority of the baseload electricity required for the UK in 2030. Other low carbon technologies are required to aggregate the emissions down to lower than the 50gCO2/MWh target but these could come from either solar, wind, fuel cells or nuclear power. The proposed optimization mix is also highly reliant on the further development of renewable technologies, such as; on-shore and off-shore wind and solar PV technologies. It proposes an increase from the current 13.5GW to the region of 50GW by 2030. The possibilities for off-shore wind is vast†¦show more content†¦This could potentially slow the efforts of many individuals and organizations investing time and money into CCS projects [34]. Only time will tell if this is the case but one thing is for certain, by the year 2030 the electricity generation mix will be vastly different to the mix of 2016. REFERENCES [9] DECC, 2015; Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics 2015. London: National Statistics. Pp.118-122 [10] WWF, 2016 [11] DEFRA, 2005 CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT. HADLEY CENTRE. PP.6-10 [12] IPCC, 2013; 5TH ASSESSMENT REPORT OF THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE FROM WWW.IPCC.COM (ACCESSED 11TH APRIL, 2016) [13] DIRECTIVE 2003/87/EC, 2003. DIRECTIVE 2003/87/EC THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,. THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT. [14] UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE, (1998). KYOTO PROTOCOL. KYOTO: UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE, [15], 2015, The Climate Change Act and UK regulations | Committee on Climate Change. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2015]. [16] PARLIAMENTARY OFFICE OF SCIENCE, 2006 [17] Cooper, Duncan. â€Å"Johnson’s Energy Club Competes in Renewable Energy Case Competition†[Online],
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Effects Of Drinking On College Students - 1225 Words
During the day and age of being a youth, it is very common to make decisions without thinking and not understanding the risks that come with them. Alcohol has been a major influence on college students and many of these students are unaware of the damage that is being caused by abusing it. What students in this age group do not understand is that their brain is still developing slowly and this process does not finish until they reach adulthood. Drinking can have harmful effects on the development of the brain, which has a major impact on the student as they age. College is a very stressful time period for some and a common mistake is students abusing the amount of alcohol they consume to cope with the stress they have. The question that comes to my mind is why do those who are fully aware of what they re doing to themselves continue to drink? This issue needs to be addressed more strictly to prevent damage on college students. They are working their hardest to achieve the goals that they want and find themselves potentially being affected by a destructive habit. Alcohol can affect a student past the textbook since some effects are permanent. Peer pressure is a commonly associated term to describe others in a group pressuring you to do something because a majority is. When the question of drinking comes to my mind, I believe that the most common reason that students drink is simply the fact that everybody else is associating themselves with it too and they are trying toShow MoreRelatedEffect Of Drinking On College Students1947 Words  | 8 PagesAbout 1,800 students die every year of alcohol related causes. An additional 600,000 injured drunk and roughly 100,000 become victims of alcohol related sexual assaults (McMurtrie). Students often fail to complete their college credentials because students are overwhelmed, overextended, underfunded and under prepared due to a recent survey of students that did not complete their studies. Though 65% of students drop out plan to return, but only 38% do return to their college studies (â€Å"Each One HelpRead MoreThe Effects Of Drinking On College Students Essay2325 Words  | 10 Pagesbecame alcoholic by drinking at a young age. Throughout our younger years, it is very common for us to make decisions without thinking. What many of us fail to understand is that with some of those decisions come risk and consequence that may follow us for our entire life. Alcohol has been a major influence on college students. Many of these students are unaware of the damage that is being caused by its abuse and what effects it can have on others. Drinking can have harmful effects on the developmentRead MoreThe Effects Of Binge Drinking On College Students1290 Words  | 6 Pagescommunicating the evidence that comes from alcoholic abuse in college students. The academic environment has its impact on the undergraduate student at some point or another, it is to some the only way to have fun, unknowingly the impact of binge drinking on their life can negatively affect their future while jeopardizing their career goals at the same time this type of substance abuse is nega tive. â€Å"The highest ratio of binge drinking can be found on college campuses†(Wechsler and Austin, 1998). There is aRead MoreEffects of Binge Drinking on College Students600 Words  | 3 PagesVeronica Harper’s Effects of Binge Drinking on College Students College students are more likely to consume alcohol more than people of the same age who are not attending college. Almost half of the college students that consume alcohol are considered binge drinkers (Five drinks in a row at one sitting for a man and four drinks in a row at one sitting for women). Many students believe the use of alcohol is a big part of the college experience, thus can be concluded that the college atmosphere may influenceRead MoreThe Effects Of Binge Drinking On College Students1139 Words  | 5 PagesThe Effects of Binge Drinking in College Students Binge drinking is when a person has more than four drinks, if female and five if male, in one sitting. While researching texts written about the negative effects of binge drinking in college students, I found articles and scholarly journals written by specialists in this specific field of study. These authors mainly focus on the fact that excessive binge drinking is detrimental to the quality of life and can alter your state of health in a negativeRead MoreThe Effects Of Binge Drinking On College Students Essay1697 Words  | 7 Pagesfor society, and college students are no exception to this problem, especially when it comes to binge drinking. Binge drinking is classified at 5 or more drinks for men or 4 or more drinks for women within 2 hours. According to a study by Ikes, â€Å"more than 40% of college students have engaged in heavy episodic drinking (HED)†or binge drinking (find pg number) and â€Å"19% engage in frequent binge drinking†(Iconis 243). There are very large implications for college students drinking this much alcoholRead MoreThe Effects Of Binge Drinking On College Students Essay825 Words  | 4 PagesBinge Drinking would have various of ways to define what in reality means. As for college students would define it as a way to drink non-stop, just for fun, or excessively drinking until drunk. Binge drinking can be interpreted in a scientific form, like NIAAA defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels to 0.08 g/dL. This typically occurs after 4 drinks for women and 5 drinks for menâ€â€in about 2 hours. (National Institute on Alcohol AbuseRead MoreThe Effects Of Binge Drinking On College Students849 Words  | 4 PagesCollege is arguably the single most important transition in an individual’s live which they experience many forms of peer pressure and specific growth patterns. Those individuals fortunate enough to pay for their studies are able to further education far and wide across the globe, not while coming at the cost of many positives stringing some negative. With increased peer pressure and opportunity, some are introduced to a parent’s worst nightmare that being the cause and effects of binge drinkingRead MoreEffects Of Binge Drinking On College Students Essay968 Words  | 4 PagesHenry Wechsler in Getting Serious about Eradicating Binge Drinking, stresses how modern college students think that binge drinking is a norm in college life. I agree with Wechsler that the modern college student thinks binge drinking is normal. In High School, people would binge drink on a regular basis, and that eventually carried over into collegiate life. After being in college for about a month now, I realized that every night students binge drink either at bars, fraternity houses, or tailgatesRead MoreEffects Of On Campus Housing On College Students Drinking Behavior1565 Words  | 7 PagesEffects of on-campus housing on colleg e students’ drinking behavior: A Literature Review Educational scholars have widely researched the effects of on-campus housing on the behavior of college students and one of the behavioral effects is on drinking behavior. Researchers from both the United States and New Zealand have found that students living in residential halls on campus demonstrate the greatest rates for drinking and peer pressure for drinking (Rickwood, et al., 2011.). Leontini, et al.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Corporate Governance of Nike - 1748 Words
An organization created under the regulations of a state to act as a legal person to carry on business, which can sue or be sued, can issue shares to raise funds with which to start or to increase its capital is a corporation. There are also non-profit corporations organized for religious, educational, charitable or public service purposes. One of the corporations are the â€Å"Nike, Inc†which in other words can be said a company. And what here will be discussed the process how a corporate body that is Nike governs, ethic of it and the corporate responsibility of it upon the business world and balance of interest of the stakeholders such as Government, Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Creditors, Community. Corporate Governance: From the†¦show more content†¦It contracted with more than 700 shops in 45 countries all around the world. Although it is an USA based company, its most of the factories are located in Asia, including China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. Its mission’s statement is â€Å"to bring inspriation and inovation to every athlete in the world. Ethics and Objectives: Success in this era, now a days, means maintaining brand value and all that, Nike does not seem to be exceptional. It is reasonable for every company to have some codes or objectives or ethics written down somewhere, but what is important how it is communicating and enforcing throughout the ongoing business and production manner. Here can be quoted Kansas City Journal, by Arthur Chaykin even Enron...had a perfectly good code of ethics. However, no one was responsible for enforcing it, advocating it or serving as a clearing house for issues arising under it. Nevertheless it is a fact, at least whenever training is not directly increases profit, the facilities are merely just a â€Å"nice-to-have†rather than necessity. For the remedy example of Oracle Learning Management is a highly suitable solution to this problem. Barrier to the objective: One of the important points in the notion of Corporate Governance is theShow MoreRelatedCase Study : Managing Ethical Organization1377 Words  | 6 PagesMisstepsâ€â€Sweatshops to Leadership in Employment Practices †¢ Why did Nike fail to address corporate social responsibility early on? The Nike brand was created in 1972, and renamed to Nike in 1978, and has since grown to be the largest worldwide seller of athletic goods, with approximately 168 Nike stores in the United States and a presence in about 160 countries. (Ferrell, O.., 2003) During the time Nike brand was created corporate responsibility was not considered a major deal yet and there wereRead MoreEssay on How to Evaluate Companies?1061 Words  | 5 Pagesfactors that may differ based on the purpose and criterion used by the evaluators or evaluating body. Perhaps the factors that must be taken into consideration when evaluating a firm are the following : business ethics, corporate social responsibility, reputation on leadership, governance and the company’s culture (Ethisphere, 2013). These factors in fact are the indicators used by the movement Ethisphere which identifies The World’s Most Ethical (WME) Companies. To define each criterion, businessRead MoreThe Pyramid Of Corporate Social Responsibility1262 Words  | 6 Pageswith penalties and charges. Shareholders don’t have money in the organization, they just invest their money when they shop or visit a retailer. In his 1991 article The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility, Archie B. Carroll, a business management author and professor, identifies four areas that make up a corporate social responsibility pyramid (Anaejionu). Archie Carroll proposes that manages of business organizations have four responsibilities: economic: business organization management areRead MoreAccounting Theory Assignment 21710 Words  | 7 Pagesaccountability of directors to shareholders and companies to creditors. As companies grow larger and become more integrated with the society, this call for a focus towards sustainability and being accountable to a wider range of stakeholders (Perks, 1993). Corporate Social Responsibility is defined as a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations by going beyond compliance and investing into human capital, environment and the relations with stakeholdersRead MorePrivate Voluntary Regulation Is Not An Effective Subs titute For National And Multilateral Regulations1338 Words  | 6 PagesCorporations such as the monitoring of labour standards and ways they try to address these issues. Closing with recommendations on ways to ensure that private voluntary regulation is used effective. Private voluntary regulations involve looking at the corporate codes of conduct, monitoring, certification and reporting of a firm. It is important to look at the reason behind the rise of private voluntary regulations to get a better picture. Private voluntary regulations came about because of activist pressureRead MoreNike : Sustainability And Labour Practises1217 Words  | 5 Pagesmore sustainable in nature. So now in this report which is based on the case study of â€Å"Nike: sustainability and labour practises†. This case illustrates that Nike was found guilty regarding the labour practises the company was following which the reason for the external criticism Nike had to face around the world during 1990 and 2000. The main purpose of this report is to study the sustainable initiatives Nike had to take to tackle these issues and further how much those steps are similar to theRead MoreNike Strategic Audit2863 Words  | 12 PagesContent Nike Strategic Audit Page 2 Appendix A IFAS,EFAS,SFAS Page 10 Appendix B Nike Porter s Five Page 11 Appendix C Nike Financial Data Page 14 References Page 19 I- Current Situation A. Current Performance • Robust financial position, $ 15 billion net Profit (See appendix B). • Market share around 47%. • 28,000 employee B. Strategic posture 1. Mission • To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. 2. Objectives • Provide an environmentRead MoreEthical Issues Within The Workplace1375 Words  | 6 Pagesresponsible organizations like Nike consider the effect of their activities upon all stakeholders. What is asked that the business is ethically and socially accountable and when the stakeholder assembly converts disgruntled, the character of the business gets smudged as the argument of sweatshops smeared the character of Nike. The circumstance that is being discussed is the concern of Nike doing the right thing; to be ethically answerable. Ethics can be demarcated as the code of moralRead MoreCase: Governance and Sustainability at Nike578 Words  | 3 PagesPOM 642/ 442 Case: Governance and Sustainability at Nike This case was about the struggles with sustainability with in Nike as well as the fashion industry. Greenpeace came out and slandered Nike, Adidas, Puma, and several other fashion designers for pollution resulting in the manufacturing process of their products. There are several chemicals used in the process of manufacturing clothing and shoes. Several chemicals are also used in the Dying process. Although these facility are 3rd parties andRead MoreHow Globalization And Technology Changes Have Impacted The Corporation You Researched1233 Words  | 5 Pageschanges have impacted the corporation you researched. Nike, Inc., is one of the leading designer’s, marketer and distributor of athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for a variety of sports and fitness activities. The company’s headquarters is near Beaverton, Oregon founded by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight, who set out to reinvent athletic footwear. They wanted to improve upon one pair of running shoes called Onitsuka Tiger. Nike were more than distributors; they joined forces to design
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Mental Health and its Challenges-Free-Samples-Myassignementhelp
Question: Discuss about the Mental Health and its Challenges. Answer: Introduction to mental health: Mental health refers to emotional, psychological and social well-being where a person has the capacity to relate to others, work productively, cope with different life stress and contribute to the community (Caplan, 2013). Mental health is highly linked to physical health too as different factors like family history of disease, health related behavior, lifestyle, life circumstances and exposure to environmental toxicants, level of social and health care support and coping skills of an individual affect the physical and mental well-being of a person (World Health Organization, 2014). The perspective about mental health also differs on the basis of culture, own personal values and behavior. The scope of this essay is to discuss about different challenges related to mental health and Christian world view about mental health. It also provides personal practice framework as a counselor to describe personal knowledge, skills, attitudes and behavior to respond to mental health challenges as a mental health counselor. Understanding of mental health and its challenges: Several psychological theories of mental health mainly imply that one of the important components of good mental health is having a closed contact with reality. In addition, the biomedical model defines mental disorder as a brain disease relying mostly on pharmacological treatment to treat abnormalities. According to neurobiological perspective, the mental health disorder is mainly characterized by chemical imbalances in the brain causing brain disease and the use of psychiatric medicine is regarded as a treatment option as they address chemical imbalances by means of disease specific drugs (Deacon, 2013). However, despite the great potential of neuroscience in revolutionizing mental health practice, the biomedical era is criticized for lack of clinical innovation and poor mental health outcomes. Although neurobiological understanding of the disease has increased development of psychological treatment, it has neglected treatment process and values of patients in the recovery process. The criticism regarding biomedical model of mental disorder was also raised because of etiological accounts. Shefer et al., (2014) has argued that that the biomedical approach is very simplistic model that is scientifically inadequate for complete recovery of mentally ill patients. It is mainly lacking in human sense and many treatment processes are very dehumanizing for patients too. Mental health challenges stems mainly from sudden changes in mood, fears and feelings of anxiety and inability to cope with life stress. The role of psychiatrist and other mental health professionals is has also become complex because of general health systems and inappropriate attitude towards the mental health patients. To reduce the sufferings of patient during the mental illness, there is a need for changes in attitude and system design too. Due to such limitation in current mental health practice, the neurobiological component of mental health has become an active area of research and there is a fo cus on combining both neuroscience and psychology. Mental disorders are highly linkers to the psychology of the human as different beliefs and thinking pattern also affects the mood and feelings of people on a daily basis. Christian world view about mental health issues: From the point of view of Christianity, the perspective of mental illness and the medications related to psychiatry is very challenging. Many Christian people have doubts regarding the effectiveness of psychiatric medications. This view and attitude about psychiatric medication and treatment option is not unique for Christianity only, several medical professionals are also going against the use of medication for psychiatry. Many Christian psychologist deny the existence of many mental illness (Clements Koenig, 2014). The Christian psychology regarding poor preference for psychiatric medication arises mainly because of the Christian perception of the human nature. They have the feeling that mood disorder or other forms of mental illness occurs due to guilt feeling and people adapt different means to reconcile with God (Stuber et al., 2014).. Hence, they do not set the problem of sin in line with other problems to define neurosis or mental health challenges. Many Christian counselors also lack the medical licensing to authorize the use of medications. Due to their different perspective about mental illness, they must be given special training to seek patients permission while ordering or stopping medications for patients. However, they often deliver treatment on the basis of their own perception about mental illness. This is ethically and legally not right and they must be given training to deal with people with mental illness. Hence, the main challenges in the mental health care system due to the Christian world view are that Christian people regard mental health as a consequence of doing sin. They also believe that care without following physical remedies is the manner in which Jesus health the patients (Stuber et al., 2014). Christian believes psychiatry is formed by wrong beliefs and notion which is not applicable to teach people with mental illness. Certain sections also believe that mental illness can be addressed by means of praye rs and rituals instead of medical interventions (Agorastos, Demiralay Huber, 2014). Hence, they adapt certain elements of psychiatry but leave major parts in order to adapt the correct approach to well-being of patients. Ethical and legal issues and post modern perspective of mental health: In the post modern world, psychiatry became the subspecialty of medicine for treating mental health issues and challenges faced by patient. Modern psychogy defined mental illness by means of different psychological theories. Some example of modern psychology theories that influenced mental health practice includes behavioral, cognitive and social theories. The field of psychiatry embraced this theory as this medical specialty mainly incorporated social science and humanities to cure people with mental illness (McNally et al., 2015). Although the psychiatric process and counseling is regarded as defensive procedure in the beginning, however it eventually results in recovery of patient. The psychological theories is also more readily accepted by people as it is least restricted and favors liberty of people instead of enslavement or separation methods to promote recovery of patients. It is also more humanistic approach to treatment where patients values and preference is respected and f ull autonomy is provided to patient or their family members regarding treatment choices (Rogers Pilgrim, 2014). Hence, the final consequence of modern approach to psychology is that it can address the limitation present in past models and make practice more favorable for mental health care professionals as it the treatment process mainly revolves around patient concerns. In the modern era, the strategies that medical school training program can take is that new staffs should be trained regarding cultural competency training to safely handle diverse group of patient and addressing the barrier in delivering care to mentally ill patient. Apart from the challenges is mental health practice due to different cultural and religious views about mental illness, there are many ethical and legal challenges in delivering care to patients too. The risk to professional liability for psychiatrist is high when the patients display suicidal behavior and any psychopharmacological issues arise. In such situation, ethical values and principles of bioethics such as beneficence, autonomy, justice, fidelity and veracity is violated. In case of voluntary or involuntary admission, taking patients consent during the treatment procedure also brings many challenges. To address such dilemma, it is necessary that patients remain informed about different ethical and legal requirements related to care of patients with mental illness. Some important patients right includes right to treatment, right to refuse treatment and right to informed consent (Dennis Monahan, 2013). Mental health professionals must have the maturity to respond to ethical ch allenges during the care process. They must be trained regarding taking the right action regarding seclusion, restraint and taking patients right related decision for patients. P roper understanding of the DSM V criteria for mental health disorder is also necessary to understand the severity and types of mental health disorder diagnosed in patient. My practice framework: You: (Who are you as the helping professional?) The above discussion has mainly given idea regarding the Christian world view about mental illness and the ethical and legal issues surrounding mental health practice that has challenged mental health care practitioner. As a mental health counselor, I also do not have very positive thoughts about the use of psychiatric medication. I feel that mental health and well-being is a spiritual concept where the thought pattern and inadequate beliefs of people needs to be changed to address mental illness. I have favored my religious thoughts about human nature, however do not totally ignore the contribution of psychiatry in the cure of people. Hence, as a counselor so far, I have focused mainly on psychoanalytic and behavioral interventions for patients so that their thought patterns could be changed and modified instead of changing their behavior through psychosis medication. There are many hazards of antipsychotic treatment too such as evidence has shown increase in symptoms of confusion a nd delirium as a result of antipsychotic medication use (Inouye, Marcantonio, Metzger, 2014). Theory: (What you need to know?) So far in my experience as a counselor, I have followed the recovery oriented model of mental illness and considered the fact that unresolved trauma in patient is seen due to poor thought pattern and social issues in life. Hence, I have applied cognitive behavioral theory (CBT) during counseling session. It has helped me to enhance positive outcome for patient as the theory focuses on how people think (cognition), how they feel (emotion) and how they act. Inquiry regarding these three areas in the counseling session has helped me to understand negative and unrealistic thought of patient and develop alternative ways of thinking in patient to address psychological distress and other symptoms (Kendall Hollon, 2013).However, as different people have different views about mental illness due to different cultural and religious beliefs, I also need to learn about several social and psychological theories too. This will help me to understand the complexity of thought patterns and cause of m ental problems in patient. In addition, my values and attitude as a mental health professional is related to promoting fairness, justice, well-being and relational harmony of patient. I focus on empowering patients so that they redevelop the skills to cope with life stress. The values of well being and being fair to patient will also help to minimize ethical and legal consequences in the care process. Practice: What you need to be able to do? As a competent practitioner, I must also be able to handle people coming from different culture. I also want to effectively adapt recovery oriented framework so that I can build a therapeutic relation with mental illness client and they develop the trust level to disclose their life issues to me during the counseling session. My practice framework is also incorporates practice knowledge, theoretical knowledge and factual knowledge for the delivery of care. Practical knowledge is related to lived experience of mental health professionals, whereas theoretical knowledge is related to appropriate models and theoretical approaches to be applied during treatment. Factual knowledge is related to following all professional standards and competency required for a mental health professional to practice. I want to integrate my gospel knowledge and give preference to client need during treatment planning. Context: On the ground, I have found several limitations in counselor training. The limitation for individual counselor increases on the basis of years serviced in counseling sessions. Some of the common challenges in counseling include issues in maintaining confidentiality of patient, taking informed consent from patient, imposing values and preserving patients right during care (Erford, 2017). This has influenced me to as many patients are not capable to engage in shared decision making due to mental illness and it increases the ethical dilemma for us. I aim to use my professional practice standards and the evidence based strategies to handle these issues in the future. My plan for the future is to engage in proper assessment process to improve my decision making skills. This will be enhanced mainly by the use of recovery oriented service delivery as it will support me to provide evidence-informed treatment and provide psychological support in way that brings best outcome well being of pati ent (Slade et al., 2014). References Agorastos, A., Demiralay, C., Huber, C. G. (2014). Influence of religious aspects and personal beliefs on psychological behavior: focus on anxiety disorders.Psychology research and behavior management,7, 93. Caplan, G. (2013).An approach to community mental health(Vol. 3). Routledge. Clements, W. M., Koenig, H. G. 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